Wednesday Blog Roundup

keyboardThere are probably well over a million blogs on the internet. Some are whimsical and light hearted, some are personal reflections on the day, some are commercial and other deal with very serious issues such as health and finance. There is a subset of serious blogs that address spiritual matters. Within that  group is a small but growing body of blogs written by members of the Lord’s church. I offer you here a quick roundup of current articles worth your reading:

Neil Richey writes on a subject that’s important to me. Compromising Soundness for Church Growth makes some excellent observations worth your time.

Disturbing Trends is an article by Jeremiah Tatum at the Pulaski Street church. Parents ought pay special attention to this article because it is about your children.

Venerable Wayne Jackson address an emerging issue that will sooner or later impact the body of Christ. Known as Open Theism this doctrine is a radical response, albeit erroneous, to Calvinism. It’s a pretty deep article but will certainly help deepen your understanding.

Two new authors are added to the blogroll this week. Scott McCown, known to our Indian Creek people, writes Morning Drive. You will enjoy his easygoing observations of life and faith. Eddie Parrish is at the Brown Trail church in Texas. He’s known to me through Polishing the Pulpit. He’s just beginning his blogging work and I am sure it will be full of good material as it grows. He calls his journal The Fire Within. Take a look and follow along.

Phil Sanders, now preaching for “In Search of the Lord’s Way” pens a blog periodically that is always worth reading. In this post he addresses the supposed role of the Holy Spirit in some changing churches. Blame it On The Spirit is insightful and sound as you would expect from Phil.

Finally this week, read this article on the prom from Steve Higginbotham. Is There Life Without a Prom will cause you to think and reconsider your thinking about this annual event.

I hope you profit from this week’s roundup. Enjoy!

One thought on “Wednesday Blog Roundup

  1. Hello!
    Very Interesting post! Thank you for such interesting resource!
    PS: Sorry for my bad english, I’v just started to learn this language 😉
    See you!
    Your, Raiul Baztepo

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