Wednesday Blog Roundup

Good morning everyone and thanks for reading. Here is the Wednesday collection of article postings for your reading enjoyment. While I generally agree with the articles I post here I do not necessarily agree with everything on some sites. Use your knowledge, discretion and wisdom as always.

Our first post is from Mike Ratliff at Possessing the Treasure. I am unsure of Mike’s religious affiliation although he strongly supports reformed theology which is a form of Calvinism. Nevertheless he offers a fine article on those who oppose Bible teaching, especially those of the so-called Emerging Church Movement. His observations of their tactics and methods is quite accurate. His article is called Self Righteousness and Accusing the Brethren. Our friend Wayne Jackson at Christian Courier has a brief article on the subject of the Emerging Church at his site. ApologeticsIndex has a lenthy series of articles on this movement which is rearing its head in many places.

Neil Richey suggests that we Double our Failure Rate at his Preacher with Wings site. He really has an excellent point.

Last Wednesday we enjoyed a powerful period of prayer at Eastern Shore. Jeremiah Tatum has some pointers for improving our prayer life. I think you will profit by reading this article and applying his suggested pointers.

Here’s a fresh look at the gospel invitation issued at the end of sermons and devotionals. A point for the hearers and one for the speaker. Faughn Family of Four did a fine job with this article. Let me add one thing to what he writes. Please don’t use the invitation song as a time to leave early. I can imagine no reason to disrupt the congregation by shuffling out as people are contemplating their soul’s destiny. Is that extra 3 minutes really that important? Who would leave a football game just as time was running out and the kicker was about to try a field goal to win the game. Come on people – wait a couple of minutes.

That’s the roundup and we hope you enjoy it. Your comments are always welcomed!

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