Christians and Politics The example of Jesus

Pundits and strategists tell us Tuesday’s election is the most important in history. I’m not too sure about that. Still, this election is important, and Christians can be the salt of the earth through their participation. I will not tell you for whom to cast your ballot, but I will offer 4 principles for Christian voting. Remember, there are no perfect candidates.

4 Principles for Christian Voting, #1: Glorify Christ

Paul was thrilled that two groups (Jews and Gentiles) had been united in Christ. He wrote:

“May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 15:5,6; emphasis mine, jbe)

Maybe I am delusional, but what if, instead of Jews and Gentiles, we could have harmony with Democrats and Republicans? And while I am beside myself, what if we could all glorify Christ together?

Jesus once said that when the Holy Spirit came, he would glorify Christ (John 16:14). Peter tells us to “honor Christ the Lord as holy” (1 Peter 3:15). We are Jesus’ servants and must follow his example – not just in worship, but in life. So as He glorified God and sought glory from God (John 17:1 – 26, esp. 1, 22, 24). So let us glorify God in our vote. Which candidate is most likely to positively pursue Godly actions? Abortion, greed, slothfulness, hubris, war, and our fellowman are all on the ballot.

5 Principles for Christian Voting, #2: Think of Others

Jesus said, “you shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39; Romans 13:9). This echoed an Old Testament command in Leviticus 19:18. Followers of Christ think of others. Of special concern were the poor and vulnerable (Luke 14:12-24; c.f. Deuteronomy 14:22 – 29; James 1:27).

When you vote, give thought to which candidate will help the helpless. Truly, some are not helpless but lazy. I do not speak of them. Who will do more to help the children of an addicted mom and a deadbeat dad? Who will help the aged who must choose between their electrical bill and their medicine? Is there a candidate who will help you give more to others? (Taxation is not the only answer).

5 Principles for Christian Voting, #3: Ignore the Media

The media, mainstream, fringe, and social, is the most divisive element in our nation. Gone are the days when reporters spent more time understanding stories and no time spinning them. Truth, not Botox, was the coin of the realm. Now, the goal is to see how many “clicks” a headline can generate because that is where money comes from. The two largest online outlets, Fox News and CNN, knowingly lean in certain political directions. Those who place trust in their reporting might be surprised at the actual truth.

Why do we spend so much time on social media and not on God’s word?

5 Principles for Christian Voting, #4: No Vote is Wasted

Political strategists long ago promoted the idea that a vote for someone other than the Democrat or Republican candidate was a “wasted vote.” This idea has kept the two massive parties in near total control of government. It has been over 100 years since a third-party candidate won the White House.

It is possible to vote for someone other than the two top contenders. In Alabama, there are five presidential tickets, two big parties, and three independent tickets. If they are not to your liking, you may write-in the candidate of your choice. While the likelihood of a non-democrat, non-republican winner is poor, your vote still sends a message, plus you have voted your Christian conscience.

More than anything else, let us pray, pray, pray. Let us pray for God’s glory regardless of the outcome.

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