We missed the roundup last week but are back now with some great articles.
First this week is a report from Christians in Honduras. As you know that country is on the brink of war and internal chaos. Christians are being impacted by the events there. Brotherhood News reports on the Christians there and their situation. Please pray for their safety.
Have you ever wondered if faith really makes a difference in daily life? Wayne Jackson at Christian Courier reports on recent research and argues that a person of faith is better morally than someone who is not.
Giving is always a ticklish subject. It is commanded by God but some people grow angry when we preach on the subject. Certainly a local congregation can go a long way toward improving the attitudes of members by being open in reporting expenditures and discussing various areas of work. This is one area an eldership ought never be secretive about. ((Of course privacy should be respected toward specific benevolent recipients and in the area of individual contributions.))I said all of that to introduce Jeremiah Tatum’s article on giving methods. See which grouping you fit into.
Apologetics Press has a studious article about prayer in the schools and about efforts to constitutionally restore the right of prayer. This is a fine article which examines a very current issue before the U.S. Congress.
Joe Palmer from Better Life found an anonymous article that he has posted at his website about the world and the church. It is sobering to think of the truth in this article.
Adam Faughn has a thought provoking look at what we do while we are preparing to baptize someone into Christ. It’s worth nothing that every congregation seems to be a little different in their approach. But this will give you something to think about.
We will wrap it up with a top ten list from Oakman, Alabama and Scott McCown. He offers the Top Ten Children’s Questions to God. It will make you smile – guaranteed or I will give your money back!
That’s it for this week. Enjoy and give God all the glory!