lassoGood morning readers and welcome to the Wednesday blog roundup. We try to present you with a variety of blog articles for your consideration each Wednesday. Here is your selection for this week. Of course we always warn that these are articles written by people and should be viewed against the backdrop of Scripture. Where the article clashes with Scripture – choose Scripture.

Marshall Keeble was preacher of the Gospel who, in his 90 years, baptized over 40,000 people.  A new audio recording of one of his sermons has been digitally enhanced and is available for listening. Brotherhood News has the link.

Marriage, divorce and remarriage is one of the thorniest issues to arise in the local church. America has become a nation of serial “marryers.” Often church leaders are called upon to try and sort through the confused relationships and offer an opinion on the validity of the marriage. Wayne Jackson has sage advice for those in such a position.

Want to raise good children? Scott McCown has a quick post with a few wise pointers on parenting. It’s brief but contains much wisdom.

Dale Jenkins asks us to think long and hard about charging brethren with “unscriptural” or sinful practices. He notes that there is a difference between something being “unscriptural” and something  that may be “unwise.” You may or may not agree with his specific examples but do consider the overall message of this post.

Finally, I want to suggest you visit a forum this week. A forum is a place where people ask questions and get answers. I found Bible Truths Forum this week while searching on the web. The administrators are very strict about what appears on the site and try to filter out any false teaching. Stop by, look around and consider registering. It’s free and could prove to be a good resource for your studies.

Please consider subscribing to the Preacher’s Study Blog. That way you will never miss an article. We have great plans for Bible study articles coming soon including the conclusion to our 20 Reasons series. Visit the Preacher’s Study Blog subscription page and sign-up. There is no charge. Help us get the word out about the blog by telling your friends or posting it to Facebook, MySpace or sending a Tweet.

Thanks and have a great week!

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