The Bible teaches that we are to give honor to those deserving of it (Romans 13:7). In the Old Testament, we are told to honor the aged (Leviticus 19:32). Elders who rule well are worthy of double honor Paul says (1 Timothy 5:17).

The Eastern Shore church was able to honor one of its own today when, at the very end of the morning service, we presented John and Helen Chupek with a plaque and flowers in honor of their years of service at Eastern Shore and in honor of their dedication to the church generally.

Ed Hudson, one of the elders at Eastern Shore noted the steady hand with which John had helped guide the congregation through difficult times. Our newest elder, Bill Jordan, explained how John had helped him in his early days at Eastern Shore by visiting

Afterwards, John and Helen were surprised with a fellowship luncheon in their honor. Upon learning of the meal, Helen declared “Why I didn’t fix a thing!”

The two were presented with kind thoughts, prayers and cards thanking them for their service and dedication.

John and Helen aren’t going anywhere. We expect to see them always at the services of the church working just as hard as they ever did.

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