The United States is founded upon Christian principles. For decades we have watched the national slide into secularism and mediocrity. Any mention of God, Christ,  the church or anything resembling religion has been removed, by force and coercion from the public square. That seems to be changing.

The rise of angry, militant Islam has caused Americans to rethink our foundations. The proposed building of a mosque near Ground Zero has caused many to examine the relationship of this nation to the various religions. The conclusion, for thinking people, is that America was founded upon certain religious principles. Our founding fathers wisely chose not to compel adherence to any faith but even in that decision they mirrored the God of Heaven who grants every person the decision to obey or disobey. People are now choosing to reconsider their faith and its impact on public policy.

A rally this weekend in our Nation’s Capitol spoke freely of faith and called people to a renewed acceptance of Godly qualities. An email, purportedly from former congressman Newt Gingrich, demands religious liberties in Muslim nations for Christianity at the same level as that expected here. He argues that if you cannot build a church in Saudi Arabia then you should not be able to build a mosque at Ground Zero. All faiths are put on a equal footing. I am not sure we want Uncle Sam telling us where to put churches or religious facilities, his point is well taken.

An opinion piece appearing at argues that the reality of our faith-based nation is breaking through the secular wall of misdirection, deceit and false teaching. We were a very religious people when this country began. While we may have drifted from those principles, we are now returning to them as the foundation for the next 200-plus years of our existence.

Not all religions are the same. Among those who claim to be Christian most are little more than vain entertainment and self-centered self-worship. As we call the country back to the basics of faith, let us also bring pure, ancient Christianity back to the center of the American religious experience. As the country moves back to its Constitution, let the church come back to its founding document, the Bible.

2 Responses

  1. Though I doubt we mean the same thing by it, I agree with your concluding sentiment of back to the bible. I’m not sure, though, about the title you chose for this piece: Christian Nation. Though certainly, and importantly, the backdrop of the American revolution was that of a fading Christendom—so I suppose a link could be made in asserting that the founding principles were Christian—however, more surely the real principles that America was founded upon were that of ‘Classical Liberalism’ (Adam Smith, John Locke, et al.). Though the adherents of this man-made philosophy like to read it back into the biblical text, it seems obvious that the early church would have found this world utterly foreign!

    As the moral backdrop of our common Christendom past has continued to fade, so too has the classical liberalism of erstwhile times morphed into contemporary liberalism and ubiquitous secularity.

  2. Well, the Christian principles were solidly there in the beginning of the republic. An examination of the original state constitutions reveal a clear Christian slant. While the U.S. Constitution is far more moderate, we should recall that in the early days of the Union, the states were the center of power.

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