Recent legislative actions leave Christians aghast at the possibility that a child, delivered alive, could be killed without legal punishment. At the same time, some state legislatures are resisting federal courts and asserting their right to govern their states without interference from those courts. They are crafting very restrictive laws which would limit or abolish abortion for all but the most narrowly defined cases. They hope to force the U.S. Supreme Court to review their laws and dismantle abortion-on-demand laws that are common in our country. The outcome of such a ruling is uncertain. Still, abortion has regained its spot as the hot topic moral issue of our day.

Christians do not need to be confused about their role in this debate.

Jesus told his disciples that they were both salt and light (Matthew 5:13, 14). The undeniable application of these verses is that Christians must assert Godly principles where possible. In homes, in schools, in communities, and in the public square, the followers of Christ must affect their world.

Jesus was a Jewish man who lived under the occupation of the Roman empire. He had no input into the political affairs of the day. Even Paul, a Roman citizen by birth, had little input into the affairs of state (c.f. Acts 22:22-29). Today, our world is different.

A person born in the United States gains the right to vote at 18.  Even before that, he enjoys a “right of redress” provided in the 1st Amendment which recognizes the citizen’s undeniable right to petition the government to correct wrongs. It is this right, and the Biblical admonition to influence the world, that should drive Christians to petition on behalf of the most vulnerable among us: the unborn.

Life is the unique province of the Lord. He spoke humanity into existence. He began with plant life (Genesis 1:11, Day Three), then animal life (Genesis 1: 20, Day Five) and finally, humanity (Genesis 1:27, Day Six). But notice verse 26. “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” Man was fundamentally different from every other living creature God had created. The text shows that this newly created species was to have dominion over the rest of the creation. Man was different. He was special. Genesis 2:7 has God breathing life into mankind. He never did that with any other creature.

God controls the taking of life. Divinely ordained capital punishment is biblical. Paul writes that government, ordained by God, does not carry the sword in vain. He argues that evildoers should, therefore, be afraid of government (Romans 13:1-7). God even regulates combat and the taking of life in warfare. When nations warred without divine approval and leadership, failure followed (c.f. 1 Samuel 4, 5).

Let the reader see that life is precious to God. Humanity does not determine who lives and dies. Only God does. Therefore, we conclude that abortion is wrong for it encroaches on that which God has reserved for himself. We conclude that apart from the actual life of the mother, there is no acceptable rationale for abortion.

Let us fervently pray that abortion will end up on the garbage heap of social injustice like slavery. It is a stain upon our national character. Christians should use their influence with elected officials to bring an end to this despicable act.

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