Thinking About Drinking: Is There Any Guidance? (part three)
In two previous articles, (one / two) we have assessed social drinking from a secular perspective. We tried to show that consumption of alcoholic beverages carries certain risks to the imbiber as well as to his family, friends, and even those people he does not know but who happen to cross his path. All of […]
Thinking About Drinking: Is There Any Guidance? (part two)
Previously we noted that adult beverages are unnecessary and potentially dangerous. We observed that early signs of intoxication might easily be missed leading to drunkenness. It is also beyond dispute that alcohol, even at lower levels, blunts judgment while giving the drinker a sense of wellbeing. This feeling that all is well may mask attitudes, […]
Thinking About Drinking: Is There Any Guidance? (part 1)
Intoxication is common today. Alcoholic beverages are ubiquitous. Advertisements during sporting events seem predominated by the likes of Budweiser, Miller, Coors, and Dos Equis. It may seem like everyone drinks booze in some form. The church has, for the most part, argued against the consumption of alcoholic substances but recently I observed an exchange between […]
Morality is Dead
Morality is dead. It’s as dead as old Jacob Marley. Maybe that is an overstatement, but morality is surely on life support, and her heart rate is dropping quickly. Previously, we have written of moral failures by politicians. But more concerning is the excusing gymnastics done by church leaders in defense of their chosen party. […]
Psalm One
The beloved book of Psalms begins with a brief description of two kinds of people: the wicked and the righteous. Standing at opposite poles of humanity the sweet psalmist, David explains the blessings and the curses that befall each. He notes the blessings of the righteous man defined negatively. The righteous is not like the […]
Searching for Sin
Daddy always told me that I should not look for trouble. He said it would find me if I weren’t careful. But today, I am looking for trouble. Specifically, I am searching for sin. I am not looking to commit sin, but I am curious if sin still exists because, from what I hear lately, […]
Stop Reading Your Bible and Study It!
It is a new year, and optimism drives us to do better in the coming year than in the past. Christians often commit to reading the Bible through in the coming year. It’s a noble idea that will surely build your faith in Christ. But it is also a bigger challenge than we expect. As […]
See How He Loved Him!
Lazarus was dead and in the tomb for 4 days when Jesus arrived. Friends told Jesus of Lazarus’ sickness but the Lord delayed coming to Bethany “for the glory of God” (John 11:4) and so that his disciples might learn to believe (John 11:15). Lazarus, his sisters Martha and Mary, were dear friends of Jesus. […]
Two Abortion Questions
The abortion debate polarizes culture. It is a sharp litmus test for many. Abortion is the banner issue of women’s right’s groups and feminist causes. The debate is loud but generally a useless exchange. There are a few very basic questions that should govern our discussion. When Does Life Begin? Is there an objective, testable […]
Fallout from Christian Politics
The blending of Christianity and politics is always bad. We have discouraged those who want to mix faith and politics. The fallout continues and is well summarized by Mark Galli at Christianity Today. I recommend his take on the Biggest Loser in the recent election. remember, Jesus said that his kingdom was not of this world […]