Persistent Prayer

Recently, a discussion arose in a Bible class for which I felt ill prepared to discuss in detail. After some reflection and study, I’d like to present some thoughts better organized than what I offered in the class. The question concerns persistent prayer. Specifically, should the Christian persist in a specific prayer before God until […]

What is the New Testament? (part 3)

  Previously, we detailed basic information about the New Testament. Aside from basic facts of the books we asserted that The New Testament is Our Guide to Life and Worship and The New Testament is Inspired. Examine now the implications of what we have previously shown. The New Testament Must Be Handled Rightly The locus […]

Hopelessness: Away from God

There is little worse than hopelessness. It is the idea that things are bad and nothing can improve them. We have all been there. Previously, we wrote of hopelessness and its impact on the Christian. A Christian feels hopeless when he is separated from God. There is growing distance between him and his Lord. The […]


  Hopeless. Despairing. Gloomy. Sad. Blue. All are descriptors of occasional feelings we must endure. No one travels this path of life without encountering a despondent moment. But we must not remain stuck in the rut of the lost. As Poe quipped, “even in the grave, all is not lost.” We could assume the Christian […]

Saber-Rattling & the Christian

Tensions between the USA and North Korea are ramping up. News reports this morning report that the USA is sending nuclear capable bombers to South Korea as well as a missile defense system strongly opposed by the Chinese. In fact, China is reportedly re-thinking its policy against a nuclear first strike because of the missile […]

What is the New Testament (part 2)

  Previously we said that the New Testament is both truth and our guide to life and worship. But these two ideas are supported by a third; the New Testament is inspired. The New Testament is Inspired We say this so often that we may be numb to his deeper meaning. If the New Testament […]

What is the New Testament (part 1)

The quick answer is that the New Testament is the second division in the Bible. It is composed of 27 individual books or letters written during the first century AD. It is the portion of the Bible by which Christians seek to live and worship. But the New Testament deserves a better, deeper explanation. The […]

Finding a Church

You have made an important decision. You want to find a church and improve your spiritual life. That is a commendable goal but it could be more difficult than you think. Finding  a church that will help you learn and grow is not easy. More and more groups call themselves a church but in reality […]

Expectations of President Trump

Much ink (and electrons) has already been spilled discussing our new President. I don’t intend to re-plow those fields. He is your President and that is all there is to be said. I do want to talk about our expectations, especially the expectations of our conservative readers. It worries me that we have set the […]

Jesus Only

Evangelism is a vital part of what we do in service to our Lord. We teach and preach truth so that some might hear and come to a knowledge of that same truth. People will be saved through Jesus Christ. Apart from Jesus there is no hope; there is no salvation. Jesus said to him, […]

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