Truth Series
We posted a few articles on truth recently. Truth always battles to be heard. Often we stifle truth by denying it exists, or allowing its existence but denying that we can know it. Such agnosticism is the result of the multiculturalism that swept our culture. Suddenly, everybody is right and no one is wrong. While […]
Jesus breaks Christians. It is a necessity. Every Christian breaks when Jesus shatters his common way of life so that holiness can rule. Our lives, which seem good to us, are melted in the light of the true goodness in Christ. What seems clean and pristine is discovered stained and ruined when brought before the […]
Implications of Knowing Truth (part 3)
Having previously examined the reality of truth and the ability of humanity to know truth, we turn to the implications that the knowledge of truth brings. We confine ourselves to spiritual truths and leave the discussion of earthly truths (mathematical, scientific, logical, et cetera) to others. Spiritual, or we might say, Biblical, truths are especially […]
Can I Know Truth? (part 2)
Objective truth exists. Objective good and evil exist. But can a mortal man know that truth? Can he recognize real good and discern real evil? The answer is a certain yes. However, some adopt an agnostic view of truth and declare that men are so limited that they cannot know the truth. The consequence is […]
A co-worker once said that “truth is what the people believe.” From his perspective as an advertising executive, that was a good working definition. Infamous Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels once said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” Both definitions hold the same fallacy: […]
5 Ways God Trusts Us
We trust God. We may call it faith, assurance, or certainty, but all Christians trust God. Do not forget that the opposite is true too. Check out 5 Ways God Trusts Us. God Has Given Us A Soul God created every living creature, but only with mankind did he breathe into him the “breath of […]
Land of Israel
Israel is the center of controversy. The United Nations established the nation of Israel in 1948. Original borders were not specified but today Israel encompasses just over 8,500 square miles. The population is just over 8.2 million people. From its establishment, Israel has been the focus of war and conflict. The day after it formed […]
What Has Been Done, Will Be Done
Solomon nailed it: “What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. “ (Ecclesiastes 1:9) Everything we see and marvel at today is old news. It has happened before and will continue to happen over […]
Confusing Love and Tolerance
Jesus is the greatest example of love ever known. “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). But Jesus went beyond that. He died for his enemies too. “For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For […]
Justification: The Other Side of Condemnation
Condemnation and justification are two key concepts in our faith. They are opposites; different sides of a coin. One is very good; the other is very bad. Let’s look at both and bring the contrast into a sharp focus. We start with the bad one. Condemnation Mankind has been condemned since Eden. When God […]