The Precious Church

There is no group of people more precious than the church. Predicted by prophecy (Isaiah 2:2-4; Matthew 16:18) the church is the collection of the saved who have been gathered together by the decree of God. The church is precious and perfect. Sinners, saved by Christ, fill the church. They bring their weaknesses and imperfections […]

Is Suicide A Sin?

If you know me, you know I do not judge the eternal destiny of individuals. That is God’s job and I am happy to leave it to him. My knowledge is never complete so I observe and warn but do not presume to judge. That’s especially true with suicide victims. There are some who teach […]

The Struggle

Almost everything in life is a process. Our physical growth is a process occurring over decades. Education is a process spanning years and years. In the same way, spiritual development is a process. It takes time to purge the bad habits and develop new, godly habits. Sometimes we become impatient with ourselves and with others […]

Intellectual Baggage

I travel a lot. Sometimes I go domestically, sometimes internationally. But wherever I travel, I always have baggage. It’s a necessary evil. When you travel you have to carry your stuff. That is a real pain. But managing a suitcase or duffel bag is easy compared to intellectual baggage. Known by other pejorative names like […]

Man in the Mirror

Who’s In the Mirror? Have you ever noticed how much sinners look like the man in the mirror? I’ve been struck by the similarities of sinners to Christians. I shouldn’t be. Christians are sinners too. The difference lies in the “no condemnation” statement of Romans 8:1, 2: “There is therefore now no condemnation for those […]


There is a human rights crisis in the middle east. Syria is expanding its influence, Hamas is ginning up violence, Israeli vigilantes are responding violently and slowly the United States is being dragged back into a deadly conflict. But this website is decidedly not about politics or foreign affairs. But I am concerned about the […]

Spiritual Fitness

Susan Ling, a member at Eastern Shore Church of Christ where I attend, penned this article on Spiritual Fitness. I encourage my readers to check it out.

Elton John and Jesus

Elton John, famed musician and outspoken homosexual activist, informed us this weekend that “if Jesus Christ was alive today, I cannot see him, as the Christian person that he was and the great person  that he was, saying this could not happen.” John is speaking of legislation which would permit homosexual couples to be married in the […]

Resistance is Futile…or Is It?

“You will be assimilated…Resistance is futile” – Locutus of The Borg (Star Trek) Assimilation is the process of absorbing one thing into another such that there is nothing left of the original item. Star Trek aficionados understand the term from “The Next Generation” when an alien race tries to eliminate all of humanity by assimilating […]

The UnFather

Truly good fathers are uncommon. Most men desire to be exemplary fathers but few succeed. Despite their best attempts all fathers stumble and none are perfect. Failure happens. Hopefully our failures are not catastrophic and we find ways to recover. But failures can discourage. Sometimes a man may be tempted to throw his hands up […]

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