Welcome to the New Site
This is the new home of what was once called the Preacher’s Study Blog. Thank you for dropping by. I am Bryant Evans, the chief cook and bottle-washer on this new website. All of the content is available from our days at the Preacher’s Study Blog, and we will add new material from time to […]
Who is Apollos
Who is Apollos? This good man is mentioned only ten times in the Bible, twice in Acts (18:24; 19:1), eight times in 1st Corinthians (1:12; 3:4, 5, 6 & 22; 4:6; 16:12), and once in Titus 3:13. Little is known about Apollos directly, but Paul writes as if he was influential in the church and […]
Quick Answers
I’m going to disappoint you. Despite the title, there are no quick answers here. In fact, you cannot survey even the smallest subject with quick answers – not even the subject of “quick answers.” Just now, the top story at cnn.com was six paragraphs, three of which were one sentence in length. At competitor foxnews.com […]
Today’s Israel
The monstrous attacks by Hamas have thrust Today’s Israel into the news. Unspeakable brutalities against Israeli women and children fill the news reports. There is neither excuse nor justification for these terrible crimes targeting civilians, especially women and children. Some popular news commentators, trying to rally support for Israel, are suggesting that today’s Israel is […]
Are You Dumb?
My Friend Allen Webster has a great article in a recent edition of House to House Heart to Heart. Entitled, “You Gotta Be Dumb to Believe the Bible. Right?” it’s an answer to the people who make fun of our faith. As a new school year begins, many young Christians will face an all-out assault […]
The Church Consumer
I recently had a spat with my pharmacy. When they could not fill my prescription, I went somewhere else. When I upgrade my cell phone, I go to the store dressed for battle. I want to come away with the best possible deal. The church consumer is also looking for a deal. He needs to […]
The Forgotten Sin
I get it. Nobody likes to talk about sin, but sometimes we need to. The turmoil of the 21st century has obscured our view of sin with the result that there is now The Forgotten Sin. Some sins seem to reach out and grab us by the collar. The in-your-face wickedness makes us angry. But, […]
Are People Good?
Are people good? Are they inherently virtuous? Why does it seem that some people are good and honorable while others are dishonorable and even evil? As expected, there is a Bible answer. Beginnings Humanity began in Eden. The Bible tells us that as part of God’s creation week, he created the human species. Most importantly, […]
The Most Dangerous Words of a Christian
I Think Mankind is expected to think. God gave us the ability to observe, examine, analyze, and reason. Our mind is an amazing tool that can be trained and can even examine and heal itself when injured. The human mind has allowed us to make stunning discoveries both on and off the planet. We continue […]
Forgiveness is a hard trait for anyone to master. It is most difficult when we try to forgive ourselves. Those who live in Christ must learn to forgive. Hear the words of Jesus: For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their […]