Let’s Take A Walk

I was studying 1 Thessalonians this morning and happened to notice the phrase “walk in a manner worthy of God” (1 Thessalonians 2:12). I was reminded that Paul had used that same phrase elsewhere. I concluded that it must be important to the apostle or else he would not have been so repetitive. The idea of walking […]

The Thessalonian Way of Faith

Paul spent a turbulent couple of weeks in Thessalonica. Recorded in Acts 17:1-9, the apostle attempted to reason with  the Jews of the city and to convince them that Jesus was the Christ that they had been searching for. His work was not as successful, at least by numbers, as it was in other places. […]

1 Thessalonians at FHU

1 and 2 Thessalonians are the featured books being studied this week at Freed-Hardeman University during the annual Bible Lectureship. Some years ago the lectureship committee decided to work their way through the entire Bible, taking one or two books at a time, until the entire Bible had been systematically studied faces have come and […]

The Holy Spirit and Inspiration

Scripture declares it is inspired. “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16, 17, ESV) Here, in the English Standard Version (ESV), translators have chosen to interpret […]

3 Rules for Holy Spirit Studies

Many people study the Holy Spirit. This divine member of the Godhead is often seen as a mysterious and unknowable Bible character. Sometimes, what people think they know about the Spirit is actually a blending of a little Bible and a whole lot of misinformation from wealth-seeking television preachers and book-selling authors who know that […]

The Real Cost

Sometimes we are reminded how easy we have it here. Aside from the occasional snide remark our faith is largely unchallenged. But not too far from our shores a preaching student, much like those at our Guyana Christian University, are paying the price for evangelism. A preaching student was cut in pieces in the Dominican […]

Is Marijuana Sinful?

The Gospel Coalition offers an analysis of marijuana and whether it should be considered sinful. While marijuana is not specifically mentioned in God’s word, it shares characteristics. Of course we have written about the trouble of alcohol here before. Take a moment and read Joe Carter’s Is Recreational Marijuana Sinful? For more on recreational alcohol use […]

Pesky Priorities

I am a sports fanatic. I especially love football and adore my Crimson Tide. But I am finding that sports are invading my life too much. As one author said, its not worth it to let three hours on Saturday ruin your whole year. ((Chad Gibbs, God and Football))  But I am also concerned that athletics […]

Comfortable Sin

Comfort foods are foods that bring us great satisfaction. Chocolate cake, a homemade chicken casserole, extra hot sanchos from Taco Casa in Tuscaloosa. Right? The problem is that comfort foods are usually unhealthy, especially in volume.  We never fuss at anyone about eating them because they are so common and, well, comforting. Jason Todd at […]

Unrestrained Passions

The dust up over Duck Dynasty and homosexuality brought many thoughts into view. The Biblical view is that the practice of homosexuality is a sin. The lawless view is that there is no such thing as God and therefore no such thing as sin. In the middle are masses who either do not know what […]

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