A Call for Unity
Denominationalism is a sin. It was unknown in the days of the apostles and is a violation of both Jesus’ prayer for unity (John 17:20-21) and Paul’s inspired desire for Christians to speak as one (1 Corinthians 1:10). Today, denominations are a ubiquitous feature of the religious landscape. Some take pride in the so-called diversity […]
Young Children in Worship Services
I love a church full of children. I especially like it when those children are in worship. To me, “Children’s Church” is a mistake. Let the whole body assemble together and let the children learn how to worship by watching adults worship. I know it can be distracting. As a preacher I have more than […]
Dual Citizenship
It is said that Christians have dual citizenship; they live in this country and in God’s kingdom simultaneously. The idea is that while we are Christians we are also Americans and thereby have allegiances to each. Our life is divided between the spiritual and the civic. Let’s think about that because it might not be […]
Hate vs. Love
Westboro Baptist Church brought their hate to Tuscaloosa Saturday. That church is known for picketing funerals of American servicemen claiming they did as a judgment from God because the US supports homosexuality. We have no intention of saying anything else about them but they do provide a useful backdrop for some thoughts on approaching sin. […]
The Importance of Prayer with Bible Study
Prayer is a vital moment in the life of every Christian. The importance of prayer cannot be overstated. It is just too important. Christians who do not prayer fervently do not receive the full measure of God’s power in their lives. Jesus, God himself, prayed often and set an example for us. Despite its importance […]
4 Ways to Use the Internet for Better Bible Study
Almost 80% of US residents have access to the internet in some form. To say that the internet is everywhere is a truism. While there is much negative about the internet (from pedophiles and porn sites to time sinks like Facebook) there is also much that is positive. The internet is like a large city […]
4 More Ways for Better Bible Study
Yesterday, we offered some suggestions to help establish good Bible study practices. Today we offer four more suggestions for your growth. 1. Begin a Good Christian Home Library for Better Bible Study Begin now to acquire dependable resources for your study. Many books can be found very inexpensively online but can help deepen your studies.A […]
4 Ways to Better Bible Study
We talk much about personal Bible study but we probably don’t give enough suggestions as to how to do good personal Bible study. Maybe this will help change that. There is no study that you can do, no academic endeavor more important than studying your Bible. No matter your career, there is nothing more vital […]
Let Me Come Out
Let me come out. I’m straight. Let me say one more thing. I know, have known and have dearly loved friends who were gay or lesbian. I would never trash them or abuse them. But in the same breath I have to say that the LGBT lifestyle is sinful. ESPN analyst Chris Broussard said it […]
The Christian and the Papacy
Few events generate the coverage we’ve seen over the new leader of the Roman Catholic Church. Almost every media outlet has been talking about the retirement of the old Pope and the coming installation of a new. Even sports call in shows have featured the Roman drama. When Christians hear Catholics talking about the Pope how should […]