Jesus is on the throne. Remember that and do not forget it. Jesus is on the throne. This week we face an election which has many Americans up in arms over the possible outcomes. People on both sides of the street fear the worst if their candidate fails to win. For some, the church will […]
Jesus and Legion
The meeting between Jesus and Legion is fascinating. Jesus converses with the demon and then banishes him into a herd of pigs. The story is exciting and curious, and there are important lessons to be learned. The account is found in Matthew 8:28-34; Mark 5:1-20 and Luke 8:26-39. Jesus is preaching in Galilee and has […]
Pulpit Freedom Sunday: A Misguided Idea
Hundreds of preachers are going to break the law today (October 7, 2012). It’s called Pulpit Freedom Sunday and it is staged by an organization that works to protect churches against government intrusion. Preachers will step into their pulpits today and take a political position for or against Mitt Romney or Barack Obama. Intervening on […]
Jesus and Darkness
Few people really like being in the dark. Darkness hides danger and covers misdeeds. A fear of darkness is common in infancy and some remnants of that fear remains into adulthood. We use nightlights in our homes, have flashlights at the ready, install streetlights on the corner and flood lights around the house. When the […]
Jesus and Light
Light is often used to describe good things. Light describes truth (Psalm 43:3; Ephesians 5:9). Light describes God’s word (Psalms 119:105, 130). Light describes goodness (Proverbs 15:30; Ephesians 5:9). Light describes deliverance and redemption (Luke 1:79). Light also describes Jesus (John 8:12; John 12:35, 36; 2 Corinthians 4:4). Light is a good thing and an oft […]
I saw an old business office that is now closed. The small building is overgrown with vines and weeds. The grass has not been cut all year and it is certain the building is deserted. Near the street is a large, professional sign. At one time, it called to passersby to bring their malfunctioning computers in for […]
Book Review: The Road to Grace
The Road to Grace; Finding True Freedom from the Bondage of Sexual Addiction not surprisingly, is a story of a journey. Author Mike Genung was a sexual addict who struggled to find answers and release from his troubles. He records the ups and downs in this 2006 volume from Blazing Grace Publishing of Colorado Springs, […]
On Habits
Everyone has habits. Most habits are good but some are destructive. There are also habits that are very good and should be developed in all people. In any case, habits are a part of our lives and should be used to our greatest advantage. On Bad Habits All of us have some bad habits. I […]
Hatred Is Easy, Prayer is Hard
I confess. I am pretty angry at the way things are going in the world. People who reject Jesus as the Son of God are violently attacking people and places in the name of a false prophet. Representatives of the country that assures my (and their) freedom to worship are brutalized and murdered. Yes, I […]
Rethinking Trouble
I’d like to point you to an article I saw this morning from Forthright Press. It concerns the trouble in the Middle East and, I think, puts an interesting perspective on the religious clashes now taking place. Author Michael Brooks is a Christian who writes from Bangladesh which is not particularly friendly to religious diversity. […]