Of all the words that have fallen out of favor, sin is in the top spot. No one wants to think about sin, especially the idea that they have sinned. Still, sin is real. It is part of the Bible and is prominent in the Gospel story of Jesus. The origin of sin Genesis 3 […]
When Should I Be Baptized?
Baptism is essential to salvation. You are not saved until you are baptized according to biblical teaching. I know these statements fly in the face of many denominational teaching. But I want to show you, from the Bible, the truth of baptism. I want to answer the question: When should I be baptized? Baptism is […]
There’s Got to be a Better Way
I was sitting on a stone wall in front of the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC. I watched the world pass by. Young, old, infants and grandparents, moms and dads. I watched people from Europe, Africa, Central and South America, and, of course, the US. Men and women in high-dollar suits raced between meetings trying […]
Culture Has Failed. Now What?
Culture promised so much but delivered nothing. We were told that happiness comes from faster internet, more entertainment options, the sexual revolution, changing pronouns, legalized drugs, more alcohol, more credit, less work, and so on. But despite the promises, we’re still stressed and bubbling with anxiety. Happiness is elusive and, when found, so brief. Like […]
5 Keys to Making Real Friends
College student Mark Zuckerberg never intended to change the world, but he did. In 2004, Zuckerberg and a small group of college buddies launched Facebook. It introduced and defined “social media” to the world. Almost everyone has heard of Facebook, and a majority have an account there. What Facebook gets wrong is its definition of […]
Abortion’s Bottom Line
Protests against the recent Supreme Court abortion ruling have been swift, loud, and sometimes violent. Abortion’s bottom line is the taking of an innocent human life. The core argument offered by pro-abortion supporters is that women have a right to their own bodies. On the other side, pro-life supporters argue that abortion is wrong because […]
6 Reasons for the Assembly
The Lord’s apostles called the Christians to the assembly to worship every first day of the week (Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:2). From the first Pentecost after Jesus’ resurrection until today, his people have joined together for worship on Sunday. Christians assembled even during the terrifying days of the Black Death in the middle ages, […]
What Is A Christian? 4 Marks of a Real Christian
What is a Christian you ask? Good question. There are many fake Christians. They use the name of Christ freely but bear little resemblance to Jesus. These phony people do more harm than good. Do not be deceived by their self-centered lives. I cannot be the judge, only God is. However I can observe certain […]
Parents Are Vital
Children are challenging in the best of times; I know, I have three. After a long day, you find a school project that is due…when else…tomorrow morning. A missed school bus means you haul them to school and are late for work. Sleepless nights become the norm once they start driving. It’s hard. Sometimes you […]
What is Evil?
Evil is ubiquitous. It is in every corner of the world and in the heart of every person. Evil is the reason the world is the way it is today. Marked by chaos and division, the world suffers from the effects of evil. We should know as much as we can about this malevolent power. […]