God and Orion
There is nothing like the crispness of an early Fall morning. When the skies are clear and the only sound in the neighborhood is an occasional, distant, bark of a dog, I can enjoy the few sweet moments of solitude before the day gets going. At this time of the year, the great constellation Orion […]
Just Leave It To God
I’m sitting in the middle of nowhere right now. I’m in the woods and a long way from the busy world. I’m sitting under an old water oak and just noticing God. A few minutes ago a single orange butterfly came by. Soon it was joined by two more. Now the three are happily frolicking […]
Immigration and the Christian
The media is full of immigration stories. Here in Baldwin County, Alabama the media is reporting on a gathering of Hispanic ministers who are concerned about a new immigration enforcement law. Many people of Hispanic background fear they will be targeted for deportation because of the law. The Hispanic ministers feel trapped between their love […]
Leave the Unrighteous Out of It!
The church of my Lord is perfect. Its government, doctrine, purpose and mission are without error. Obviously those who are part of the church, the members, are not perfect. But the church itself, as given by Jesus is perfect. The church is the body of Christ (Ephesians 5:23) and must be given the proper glory […]
Who Is Theophilus?
So who is Theophilus in the book of Acts? The identity of Theophilus is a mystery to Bible students. The name appears only two times in Scripture and both times in the writings of Luke (Luke 1:3, Acts 1:1). It is uncertain what role in the early church he played but he is noteworthy in […]
5 Tips for Christian Goals
Setting goals is critical to success. While great things sometimes happen unexpectedly most success in life comes from the pursuit of solid, realistic goals. A student sets a goal of graduating from college with a 4.0 grade point average or a salesman a goal of exceeding his […]
Militant Atheism
Militant atheists are in the news again. This subset of the larger God-denying population is not content to live in disbelief themselves. They need to attack those who do believe in God and in the concept of a higher being. In California a militant group is publicly tearing pages from a Bible on a public […]
Compassion is so needed today. It is one of the important characteristics of the Christian life. Compassion has the power to change lives by altering the relationship between people and even whole communities. Our Lord is a fine example of compassion that we should emulate as his followers. Jesus’ encounter with the sinful woman in […]
The Church and Poverty
Jesus confronted poverty and instructed his people to care for the poor (Matthew 19:21). The present economy highlights the need to help the less fortunate. More and more people are needing help and the church is positioned to help many meet physical needs while teaching them of deep and abiding spiritual needs. I guess there […]
Today is Patriot Day in the USA. It is a day of memorial for those who died in the terror attacks of 2001. That attack was designed to frighten – terrorize – Americans and remove us from the national stage. It didn’t work. Fear is one of Satan’s most powerful tools against the Christian. Fear […]