Leviticus – Know the Book

Leviticus, the third book of the Bible, Old Testament and Pentateuch is a mystery to many people. Following the exciting stories of Genesis and Exodus Leviticus seems to bog down in arcane rules and regulations for Israelite worship. Indeed, Leviticus is the bane of those who try to read through the entire Bible.  It can […]

What’s The Point of a Sermon?

It’s Sunday morning, the Lord’s Day (Revelation 1:10), and people are preparing for worship. They expect to enjoy beautiful singing, powerful prayers and the fellowship of the Lord’s Supper. They will reach into wallets and purses and give back to God for the support of the church. But along the way they will hear a […]

Exodus – Know the Book

Exodus is the second book of the Bible, the Old Testament and the Pentateuch. It begins with the same general story as Genesis ends with but over 400 years later. The initial tenor of the narrative is set in Exodus 1:8 “Now there arose a new king over Egypt who did not know Joseph.” This […]

Genesis – Know the Book

Genesis is the first book of the Bible,  the first book of the Pentateuch and the first book of the Old Testament. It covers a longer period of time than any other book in the Bible. Genesis stretches from “the beginning” (Genesis 1:1) until the entrance of Jacob’s family into Egypt and the death of […]

Know The Book Series

We begin a lengthy series today called Know the Book. Over the coming year we will publish a couple of articles each week focusing on one book of the Bible. I’ve decided to move chronologically from Genesis to Revelation. The ultimate goal is to have an available resource for our readers. The introduction will include […]

On Modesty

Summer is just around the corner. Warm days, beautiful skies and blooming flowers all point toward the changing of the seasons. It’s a marvelous time of year. I  know few people who don’t yearn for the coming of summer. But with the turning of the calendar pages comes a decrease in clothing. It’s wise to […]

Money and the Bible

Money and the Bible go together. The Christian, like others, is concerned about money and how the Bible instructs us to use money. Jesus used money as did all of his disciples. It’s not surprising that the Lord left us with sound instructions on the use of money. We have written recently on the subject […]

The Borrower is the Slave of the Lender

We wrote yesterday about the need to make good choices. I thought to complement  that article today by delving a little deeper into the financial choices we make, many of which aren’t very good. The wisdom of Solomon is clear: The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender. […]

Making Good Choices

You have already made dozens of choices today, right? The decisions began as soon as the alarm clock sounded. Get up or snooze 10 minutes. From that point on the choices just keep coming. Most are fairly unimportant, like, should I eat oatmeal or Total cereal for breakfast. The answer really doesn’t matter that much. […]

Is Religion Becoming Extinct?

No it is not. Religion, at least the true faith of the Bible, is here to stay. However the BBC is reporting on a group of mathematicians and statisticians who have declared that religion may soon be extinct. They use complex mathematical formula to analyze declining religious affiliation in various countries. But they miss one […]

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