Book Review: Touchdown! by Kevin Elko
I promised last week that I would share some thoughts on Touchdown!: Achieving Your Greatness on the Playing Field of Business (and Life) by sports psychologist Dr. Kevin Elko. I’ve finished the book and can offer an opinion or two. Kevin Elko is in the business of helping athletes and business leaders achieve their best […]
Words of Wisdom – August 2, 2010
From J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973) was the author of the Lord of Rings trilogy which was made into a blockbuster Hollywood movie a few years ago. Tolkien was a friends with atheist-turned-believer C.S. Lewis. Tolkien offers these wise words: “All we have to do is decide what to do with the time given us.” It sounds […]
Understanding Bible Covenants
You must understand covenants in the Bible if you want to understand the Bible. Although God himself never changes (Hebrews 6:17; Hebrews 13:8) he does change the way he deals with man. God does not deal with us today the same as he dealt with Adam and Eve. He did not deal with the Israelites […]
Kevin Elko and Touchdown!
My good friend Bert Sims suggested I read Touchdown! by Kevin Elko. I am in the process of reading it and will post a short review next week. But I read a story in the book which I just can’t hold back. Elko is a sports psychologist who has worked with the Crimson Tide, The […]
When Job Saw God
For your consideration: “I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you…” (Job 42:5) Job is a favorite Bible character. He strength and character sustained through the darkest night. He lost his children all at once and lost almost all of his belongings at once. Only his […]
Originality and Scripture
Originality is valued in our society but not when it comes to Scripture. Timothy Archer offers some thoughts on Biblical originality at his blog. It’s worth a read.
Have You Been To The Archives?
We have been posting here for over two years now and in that time we have accumulated many articles on a wide variety of subjects. Of course you can easily search for any topic by entering your search term in the box to the right but maybe you would be better served by visiting our […]
The Value of Christian Camping
Why would 60 grown men and women take a full week of their vacation to travel to Indian Creek Youth Camp in the hills and hollows of West Alabama with 190 children? Why would these normally intelligent people leave the comforts of their own beds to sleep on thin mattresses inside a small cabin that […]
Indian Creek Youth Camp
Indian Creek Youth Camp, Clark Sims week, is now over. What a great week in Walker County Alabama near Jasper, Alabama and just north of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. 253 people were at the camp for the session that ran Sunday through Friday. 11 were baptized and 31 rededicated themselves to their Lord. Clark Sims, preacher for […]
Examples for Christian Living – 1 Corinthians 10 – Part 2
We are looking at Examples for Christian Living which is a continuation of an article begun yesterday. Today we continue by looking at 1 Corinthians 10:8-11. Examples for Christian Living – Sexual Immorality – 1 Corinthians 10:6 The practice of sexual immorality is an example of something that must not be tolerated in our lives. […]