Archives Available
The Preacher’s Study Blog is pleased to offer a complete archive of all of our articles dating back to July of 2008. Visit the Archives page to find articles on a wide variety of subjects. You can also access the page from the tab at the very top of this page. I have left the […]
Lessons from the Cheesecake Factory
An evening with friends at The Cheesecake Factory in Birmingham, Alabama is a fine way to spend a Friday night. I was there with my oldest son, Isaac as part of the Alabama All-State Choir Festival. Founded in 1978 in Beverly Hills, California, the chain is now present in 34 states and boasts annual revenues […]
Lord Keep Me From the Extremes
Would you rather be rich or poor? Does it matter? The wisest man ever, who happened to have great wealth, said it like this: “Remove far from me falsehood and lying; give me neither poverty or riches; feed me with the food that is needful for me, lest I be full and deny you and […]
Stop Gossip in the Church
Do church members gossip? Do they gossip about each other? I think we know the answer. And I think we know that all of us have been guilty of gossip at some time. But we also know that gossip is a horrendous habit that can assault, crush and destroy even the strongest believer. Gossip is […]
A Good Time To Be A Child
Here’s the sermon from Sunday, April 3. We know that adults should behave like adults. But Jesus says there is a time when being childlike is a good thing. Powered by
Monday Memo – Vashti
Queen Vashti is a profile in courage often overlooked in Scripture. She is a central player in the book of Esther and one of the most courageous people in the Bible. She is a model for women today and a strong guardian of modesty and morality. Her story begins in Esther 1:10 when a great […]
Baptism of Fire
Many people earnestly seek for the baptism of fire as part of the salvation process. They read the statement of John the baptist who said Jesus would come and baptize with fire and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:11). They trust that this baptism of fire is synonymous with the reception of the Holy Spirit mentioned […]
Monday Memo – Hezekiah
Here’s a guy that brings great courage to the pages of the Bible. We first meet this ancient king at the death of his corrupt father Ahaz (2 Kings 16:20). We see the details of his reign beginning in 2 Kings 18:1 and find that he was a young 25 years old when he took […]
Smoothing the Edges: An Approach to Marital Peace
Life is a challenge. Married life is a big challenge. A man and a woman come together with lofty and noble intents. Surrounded by love they make long term commitments and set off on a journey of unity. For most, all goes very well, at least for the first several weeks. Then something doesn’t go […]
Talk About Jesus – Please!
Two men, who do not know one another, are walking through the fishing department at Bass Pro. As they shuffle through the lures and examine the latest gear they begin to talk…about fishing. A young woman is at Barnes and Noble looking at the latest fiction offerings. Another woman approaches and they begin to talk…about […]