Persecution Against Christians in Vietnam
The Religion News Blog reports on continuing violence against Christ believers in Vietnam. You can read the details at their website but it reminds me just how blessed we are in this country. Like you, I am often frustrated at the direction our country seems headed. Immorality rules. Faith is challenged. But we do not […]
With His Hat in His Hands
Old timers used to say that a humbled man “had his hat in his hands.” It referred to the appearance of someone in humility or someone who had been shown to be wrong and was coming to ask forgiveness. We don’t see many people today with their hats in their hands. Humility may be a […]
Lessons from Grandma About Victory
My grandmother was a sweepstakes fanatic. She registered for almost every contest she found and she often won. But I remember two contests she lost. The first was for a new car. She got the phone call one morning telling her that she had won and that she needed to provide some additional information to […]
We are three days into 2010. Many have set high goals for the year and are already at work achieving those goals. The beginning of the year is a time to focus on improvements and ways to enhance our lives. I guess that health related goals probably top the list followed by financial goals. Among […]
How Religious Are We?
Here are some stats for you numbers people. The Pew Forum has released survey numbers showing which states are the most religious. The rankings were based on the percentage whoself-reported that religion is very important in their lives. As expected the southern states fared best. Mississippi was the most religious state and Alabama came in […]
First 2010 Sermon
Is there a better way to start the New Year than by assembling with God’s people on the first Lord’s Day of the Year? This Sunday morning we will consider how to Begin With Jesus. Using John’s account of Jesus calling his first disciples (John 1:35-51) we will see some important characteristics for every Christian […]
A Reasonable New Year’s Resolution
The giant Moonpie has dropped (Mobile, Alabama’s version of the Times Square Ball) and the New Year has begun. Resolutions will soon be dropping by the wayside. “Resolution Reduction” occurs because we bite off too much. For example, if I declare I will loose 100 pounds by April 1st I will certainly fail. Instead a […]
The Cultural Christian
I’m finally reading Patrick Morley’s book, The Man in the Mirror. So far I like it. I will give a full review when I finish it. But I want to pass along a comment he makes. In discussing trends of the latter 20th century he notes one which he calls Cultural Christianity. Here is his […]
Does 1,000 Years Equal One Day?
From time to time we hear people suggest that a 1,000 years is the same with God as 1 day. Is that really true? “But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” (2 Peter 3:8) So yes, […]
Finished With Christ?
I guess it’s good that people think about Jesus at least once or twice a year. I mean, apart from Christmas and Easter some folks could go years and never even think of the Savior. But I am also concerned that some may feel satisfied with their “duties” done after attending a church service during […]