Readership Survey
The Preacher’s Study is interested in its readers. Would you take a moment to complete the survey at the link below and let us know something about you and your interests. There are only 10 questions and your input would be very helpful. I think we will create additional surveys in the future based upon […]
Logos 4 Bible Software Review
Logos has released a new ground up version of their Bible software package. Logos 4 is said to have been redesigned and is very different from previous versions. I have had it fully installed for a couple of days now and am still getting to know and understand some of the features. So keep in […]
Sermon Preview
I think we have two good lessons for you this Sunday. I hope all of our Eastern Shore regulars will be with us and plenty of visitors too. Sunday morning at 10 our lesson is titled, Clear Eyes. The text is from Mark 8:22-26. If you read this text carefully you will see three major […]
Pornography and Children
The Federal Bureau of Investigation announced a nationwide roundup of pedophiles and child-sex pimps. At the same time they reported the recovery of 52 children forced into child prostitution. Charges came throughout the nation in 30 of the FBI’s divisions in 36 cities. Among the state and local charges leveled against the 700 adults are […]
5 Ways to Stop Gossip
Gossip hurts and is destructive to any group or organization where it is found. [cref Gossip We talked about gossip before] and made several points about the harm that comes from either intentional or unintentional gossip. Instead of talking about people we should be talking to people and encouraging them. As promised we today offer […]
Frederick Darrell tells a story from his childhood in Guyana. His family lived along a small stream in the country. They raised their food including chickens. There came a time when the family noticed they were missing chickens but they couldn’t figure out where they were going. Maybe some were just wandering off or maybe […]
Wednesday Blog Roundup
Good morning readers and welcome to the Wednesday blog roundup. We try to present you with a variety of blog articles for your consideration each Wednesday. Here is your selection for this week. Of course we always warn that these are articles written by people and should be viewed against the backdrop of Scripture. Where […]
Rethinking Church
You have noticed that people don’t attend church like they once did. Depending upon who you believe, experts say that as many as one-half of Americans do not attended church services on a regular basis. In some areas that number is far higher. Many churches close their doors every year. Even in established congregations the […]
What If Abortion Was Legal When You Were Born?
What if abortion were legal when you were born? Would you still be here? Many of us in our 40′ and beyond would not be. For those born later the answer is obviously “yes.” But then you have to wonder how many brothers, sisters, cousins, friends, schoolmates, etc. are missing from your life because of […]
Sermon Preview for October 18
We hope you will join us this Sunday at the Eastern Shore church of Christ in Daphne, Alabama, as we worship our Lord and God. Sunday Morning: All Things Done Well Mark 7:36-37 ***The people observed that Jesus did all things well. We will expand on that thinking by looking at his miracles – done […]