Auntie Rosie
What follows is an email from brother H.M., a native preacher in Guyana. This is a true story of a fine Christian lady who shows enough dedication to put many younger people to shame. You will be encouraged by reading it. Aunty Rosie, a Christian, has stopped attending when the doors of the Canal 1 Church […]
Wednesday Blog Roundup for August 5, 2009
Yes, we have been slothful in posting our Wednesday blog updates. One of these days I am going to pop for a card for the laptop that will let me access from anywhere. But truthfully, much of my time lately has been spent in places where even a card to access the internet via cell […]
Brotherhood of Believers
The term “brethren” or “brothers” appears in most books of the New Testament. While it is sometimes used to describe people who are related through bloodlines it is most often used to identify people who are joined together in Christ. It is a family term and was adopted by the Holy Spirit to signify the […]
Mercedes Drive Gospel Meeting
It’s a great honor to be speaking this weekend to the Christians near Vance, Alabama. Located between Tuscaloosa and Birmingham this small community came to prominence some years ago when Mercedes-Benz built their first North American automobile assembly plant here. The area has grown and is continuing to grow along the I-20 corridor. For many […]
Speaking in Tuscaloosa, Alabama
I’ve been honored to be asked to preach this weekend in the small city of Vance, Alabama as part of a 2nd year anniversary for the Mercedes Drive church of Christ. Vance is the city where Mercedes Benz built a automobile manufacturing plant several years ago. Located along I20/59 between Tuscaloosa and Birmingham, the area […]
The article is a little different this week in that it is not really an article at all but instead is just some random thoughts about things we are doing at Eastern Shore. Years ago I had a short rambling in every bulletin but with our growth and the increase in activities there is no […]
Indian Creek Youth Camp Begins Today!
Indian Creek Youth Camp is underway! Campers from as far away as Virginia will converge on the wooded hills of Walker County, Alabama today as we begin our 6th summer youth camp under the direction of Clark Sims of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Clark always does a fine job of preparing and running the week for about […]
The Beasts of Revelation 13
Articles on the subject of Revelation and prophecy accrue many hits to Preacher’s Study. I’ve come across an article that you should read if this area interests you. Wayne Jackson discusses both Revelation beasts and offers careful study to help understand them. Jackson mentions a couple of books in his article. I would add Simon […]
1,000 Year Reign Comments
Some good discussion is occuring under the comments section of our article on the 1,000 year reign of Christ. If this is an area of interest I invite you to go to the article, read it and consider the comments at the bottom. You are more than welcomed to participate in the discussion there. This […]
Understandable Truth | 20 Reasons
Have you ever heard someone say, “I just can’t understand the Bible!” Or maybe this one, “Well, that’s just your interpretation. Ask 10 people what a verse means and you will get 10 different answers.” I’m sure you have either heard these comments or maybe even made them yourself. Truthfully, they are bogus. That’s right, […]