A Dickens Reminder
Jesus as Propitiation: A Gift for All
He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world. 1 John 2:2
Stop With The Weak Prayers!
Why Are Our Prayers So Weak? Jesus prayed. Jesus prayed a lot. Jesus taught his students to pray and made some pretty remarkable claims about the power of prayer. Are we afraid to pray boldly? We’ve been assured that grace awaits. “Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we […]
It’s So Hard
Nobody ever said righteousness was easy. No one ever claimed holiness was a breeze. The pursuit of godliness is probably the hardest thing you will ever attempt. What’s the old saying, “If it were easy, everyone would do it?” Abraham struggled with honesty, as did his son, Isaac. Noah got drunk. David cheated with another […]
5 Ways to be a Christian After the Election
Chaos is the rule. Trouble is brewing across the nation as we head into the final weekend of campaigning for the presidency of the United States. All of the congressional seats are up for grabs as are a third of the Senate seats. No matter what happens, somebody will be mad. Philadelphia faces riots after […]
6 Ways to Change Social Media
Something has got to give with social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more are at the heart of the discord in our country. Sadly Christians are prolifically spreading rumors and outright falsehoods. Others do it too, but we should be better than that. I want to use my little platform to call for a commitment […]
“to no one’s regret”
Samuel tried to tell them. Israel wouldn’t listen The Lord tried to tell them, but they wouldn’t listen to him either. God’s people demanded a king other than God. They wanted to be like everybody else. It was a disaster waiting to explode upon the chosen people. They got their way and their just desserts […]
Abortion: A Right to Whose Body?
The pro-life, pro-abortion debate is again center stage because of politics. It should have never left the front page. Americans abort almost a million children every year. That’s a tragedy beyond imagination. Yet it is accepted as a part of our society. In time, we pray that historians will list abortion among the great civil […]
Abortion: 862,320
Let this sink in… 862,320 dead. 862,320 people dead in one year. That’s five times as many deaths as we have had in the U.S. from COVID19. 61,628,584 dead. Let that sink in…61,628,584 people since 1973. That’s three times as many as died in World War 2. It’s twice as many as the population of […]
Jesus and Government
Christians live in two worlds, secular and spiritual. Christians live in the kingdom of God, governed by Jesus. We also live in an earthly, secular kingdom governed by whoever is in power at the moment. Tension always exists between the two kingdoms. The desires and expectations that the two kingdoms hold clash. We must carefully […]