New for 2025
Just a quick note for our readers. I pray that this year will bring greater depth to your faith and that you will, every day, walk a bit more like Christ. Our sanctification is an ongoing process that continues to eternity. Our efforts here and now will bring a better life in the flesh and […]
4 Principles for Christian Voting
Pundits and strategists tell us Tuesday’s election is the most important in history. I’m not too sure about that. Still, this election is important, and Christians can be the salt of the earth through their participation. I will not tell you for whom to cast your ballot, but I will offer 4 principles for Christian […]
Would Jesus Choose Unity or Polarization
To ask, would Jesus choose unity or polarization may seem at first blush an easy question because it’s clear that the Bible does teach believers to be set apart from the world. But to engage in the sort of political fighting we are witnessing is not reconcilable with the Jesus of the Bible. In the […]
Salt & Light in Politics
We must never divide brethren over politics. Yet, Christians are to be both Salt and Light in politics and in every other corner of life. How can we be godly people and exercise Jesus’ desire that we be salt and light in politics? Is it possible to be godly and political at the same time? […]
Choosing a Bible Translation
Dozens of different Bible translations fill bookstore shelves. Choosing a Bible translation can be confusing. People select their translations based on their current needs and desires. It is impossible to identify the best translation for all circumstances. The best translation is one that you will use and read. Some see these differing Bibles as proof […]
Christians & Politics New Series Begins
Wednesday, I begin a series of articles discussing the nexus of faith and politics. I am mostly worried about the division that politics drives between people devoted to Jesus. Brethren differ on many things, but politics seems to coax the worse out of us. We need to stop that. The articles will drop on Monday, […]
Comments Are Welcomed
Your comments are welcome here. You will find a comment box at the bottom of each article. Your thoughts may be briefly held for moderation because spam tends to clutter websites. I take no offense to your statements. I do ask that you conduct yourself with a Christ-like nature as we all search for the […]
Welcome to the New Site
This is the new home of what was once called the Preacher’s Study Blog. Thank you for dropping by. I am Bryant Evans, the chief cook and bottle-washer on this new website. All of the content is available from our days at the Preacher’s Study Blog, and we will add new material from time to […]
Quick Answers
I’m going to disappoint you. Despite the title, there are no quick answers here. In fact, you cannot survey even the smallest subject with quick answers – not even the subject of “quick answers.” Just now, the top story at was six paragraphs, three of which were one sentence in length. At competitor […]
What’s the Real Problem?
Conservatives blame the President for most of our ills today. Liberals blame big business. But I am wondering if the serious challenges we face are not much closer to home. Before I pontificate on my thoughts, would you share your ideas first? Comment here or shoot me an email at bryant at