The Thief on the Cross
Many have asked how it is possible that the thief on the cross was saved apart from baptism. Some use the thief as proof that baptism is unnecessary in salvation. Their thinking is in error as the thief proves nothing concerning baptism. The story of the thief is found in some form in all four […]
Resolved: 4 Simple Steps for 2015
Let’s do something a little different today. Let’s make 5 New Year’s resolutions that we can actually keep. I’m the worst at keep resolutions. If I make it to January 2nd it’s a big accomplishment. I want to do something different this year and commit to doing some things that I can really stick with […]
What Now?
Christmas is history. Presents exchanged, meals prepared and much love exchanged by family and friends marked the holiday. All that remains is to pack away the ornaments, throw out the trash and wave goodbye to family as everyone returns home to begin a new year. It’s been busy. Among all the food, frivolity and fun, […]
Day by Day
Christianity is a way of life. Our faith is daily. It saturates every minute of every day. There is never a moment when a servant of Christ takes a vacation from the Lord’s work. We belong to Christ always. The original Christians constantly and consistently lived for Jesus. Their dedication guides us into a life […]
John 3:16
John 3:16 is the best known Bible verse. Even most atheists know the verse. It’s posted on signs at sporting events, it appears on bumper stickers, is emblazoned on t-shirts and is often quoted from the pulpit. This Golden Text of the Bible is known and quoted by people even if they do not know […]
Intellectual Baggage
I travel a lot. Sometimes I go domestically, sometimes internationally. But wherever I travel, I always have baggage. It’s a necessary evil. When you travel you have to carry your stuff. That is a real pain. But managing a suitcase or duffel bag is easy compared to intellectual baggage. Known by other pejorative names like […]
Do Your Own Study
Many lament the fact that people do not study their Bibles like they once did. Instead, belief is often formed by what is said in the pulpit or by something in the inspirational book du jour. I have warned for years that people must never trust their preacher. True enough, I said it tongue in […]
Jesus Forgives and Heals
Jesus taught a masterful lesson at his home in Capernaum. He had just crossed the Sea of Galilee where he stilled a storm and then healed two demon possessed men from a graveyard (Matthew 8:23 ff). Now people have flocked to his home and he begins to teach. The crowds are so large that no […]
Preacher Problems: Unmasked
We’ve completed a number of articles on preachers and their problems. We think there is some useful information here which is worth your time to consider. You should know that I do not dislike preachers – I am one. But brethren should understand that we struggle sometimes just like they do. I hope this series […]
The Preacher Unmasked: Preachers are Hypocrites
Preachers are hypocrites. There, I said it. If a hypocrite is someone who says one thing but does something else then preachers are hypocrites and this author is foremost. Because our work is so public when we stumble everybody has something to say. The first word out of the mouth of some is a charge […]