What Is Sin and Why Should I Care?

Preachers are fond of saying that sin is the universal scourge of mankind. We talk a lot about sin and its impact on our world. We remind listeners that sin condemns. But it may be that some people, especially those fresh to thinking about spiritual matters, may not understand the entire idea of sin and […]

Let’s Take A Walk

I was studying 1 Thessalonians this morning and happened to notice the phrase “walk in a manner worthy of God” (1 Thessalonians 2:12). I was reminded that Paul had used that same phrase elsewhere. I concluded that it must be important to the apostle or else he would not have been so repetitive. The idea of walking […]

The Thessalonian Way of Faith

Paul spent a turbulent couple of weeks in Thessalonica. Recorded in Acts 17:1-9, the apostle attempted to reason with  the Jews of the city and to convince them that Jesus was the Christ that they had been searching for. His work was not as successful, at least by numbers, as it was in other places. […]


God is alive and active in the world today. He reaches into the natural world from his supernatural throne and affects the lives of men and the course of history. Prayer is the means by which men ask God to intervene in their lives. While we do not believe in the existence of true biblical […]

Christian Fasting

The Bible speaks of fasting but in the present day many people seem a bit confused about it. After the topic arose in a Bible class I decided to do some in-depth research. You can read my paper over on the main church website for the Eastern Shore Church of Christ. I hope you find Christian Fasting […]

Real Problem #3 – No Discipline

Discipline is a foul word in some quarters. In others, it suggests punishment. But others see discipline as a necessary component of a maturing, healthy life and especially of a faithful life before God. The apparent lack of discipline is the reason for so much of society’s ills. R. Kent Hughes, writing in the popular Disciplines […]

Judging Others

A friend recently posted to Facebook that she was unhappy with some who suggest that gay church leaders are living right. Within about an hour someone rebuked her saying  “…you have no right to decide what he does and does not see as ‘living correct’. You are in no place to judge.”  As of this writing, […]

A Call for Unity

Denominationalism is a sin. It was unknown in the days of the apostles and is a violation of both Jesus’ prayer for unity (John 17:20-21) and Paul’s inspired desire for Christians to speak as one (1 Corinthians 1:10). Today, denominations are a ubiquitous feature of the religious landscape. Some take pride in the so-called diversity […]

Young Children in Worship Services

I love a church full of children. I especially like it when those children are in worship. To me, “Children’s Church” is a mistake. Let the whole body assemble together and let the children learn how to worship by watching adults worship. I know it can be distracting. As a preacher I have more than […]

Hate vs. Love

Westboro Baptist Church brought their hate to Tuscaloosa Saturday. That church is known for picketing funerals of American servicemen claiming they did as a judgment from God because the US supports homosexuality. We have no intention of saying anything else about them but they do provide a useful backdrop for some thoughts on approaching sin. […]

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