Covenants: Differences

There are striking differences in the covenants God has used with man throughout history. God has always chosen just the right way to deal with man depending upon man’s needs and God’s own purposes. The writer of Hebrews open this great book with the words: “Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God […]

The Rejection of Jesus

“He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him” (John 1:11) It is amazing that Jesus was rejected by his own people. More precisely, he was rejected by the leadership of his own people. In the Gospels we see a raging war develop between Jesus and the religious leaders. The common […]

The End of the Patriarchal Age

A reader has asked the question: “When did the Patriarchal Age end for the Gentiles, Acts 2 or Acts 10?” It’s a good question and we will try to give an accurate answer. First some background. God has always placed himself under certain agreements with man. These Biblical covenants or dispensations are summarized in another […]

Words of Wisdom – August 4, 2010

Andre Gide was a french writer and a recipient of the Nobel Prize for literature in 1947. He viewed himself as a man torn between opposing views of society. He was willing to change his views upon study and reflection. He was a supporter of Communism but changed his views after a visit to the […]

One Way – Only One Way to God

Sometimes people say, “There are many paths to God.” Sometimes people worship without regard to Jesus the Son of God. Jews honor Jehovah God and Muslims honor Allah through the teachings of Mohammad. Some pay homage to Buddha, some practice Hindu while others look to Shinto for their faith. Still more practice a form of […]

Understanding Bible Covenants

You must understand covenants in the Bible if you want to understand the Bible. Although God himself never changes (Hebrews 6:17; Hebrews 13:8) he does change the way he deals with man. God does not deal with us today the same as he dealt with Adam and Eve. He did not deal with the Israelites […]

The Value of Christian Camping

Worship at Indian Creek Youth Camp

Why would 60 grown men and women take a full week of their vacation to travel to Indian Creek Youth Camp in the hills and hollows of West Alabama with 190 children? Why would these normally intelligent people leave the comforts of their own beds to sleep on thin mattresses inside a small cabin that […]

Is There A Middle Ground Between Heaven and Hell?

This is a question  that pops up in some form from time to time. The questioner wants to know what will happen to people who have  never  heard of God, Jesus Christ, the Bible and salvation. I am going to try and offer a reasonable answer to the question. Let me say in the opening […]

Father’s Are Needed

I awoke Sunday morning to an awful set of articles that were published on Father’s Day and which bashed and smashed fatherhood in general. First came a story in the Washington Post about a father, suffering with cancer, trying to ensure his daughters are well cared for by a team of Dads who will carry […]

Romans 6, Part 2 (Romans 6:3)

As we continue our look at this great chapter of the Bible we want to examine verse 3 in some detail. Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ were baptized into his death? (Romans 6:3, ESV) Paul is building on the thought begun in Romans 5 where he […]

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