Romans 6
For some reason I have been thinking about Romans 6 quite a bit lately. I did a lengthy discussion of it at the University in Lethem and then used it as the basis for a Bible Study class in Georgetown on Wednesday night. There is a lot of meat on these verses! Romans is arguably […]
Lessons from the Cheesecake Factory
An evening with friends at The Cheesecake Factory in Birmingham, Alabama is a fine way to spend a Friday night. I was there with my oldest son, Isaac as part of the Alabama All-State Choir Festival. Founded in 1978 in Beverly Hills, California, the chain is now present in 34 states and boasts annual revenues […]
How Religious Are We?
Here are some stats for you numbers people. The Pew Forum has released survey numbers showing which states are the most religious. The rankings were based on the percentage whoself-reported that religion is very important in their lives. As expected the southern states fared best. Mississippi was the most religious state and Alabama came in […]
A Reasonable New Year’s Resolution
The giant Moonpie has dropped (Mobile, Alabama’s version of the Times Square Ball) and the New Year has begun. Resolutions will soon be dropping by the wayside. “Resolution Reduction” occurs because we bite off too much. For example, if I declare I will loose 100 pounds by April 1st I will certainly fail. Instead a […]
The Cultural Christian
I’m finally reading Patrick Morley’s book, The Man in the Mirror. So far I like it. I will give a full review when I finish it. But I want to pass along a comment he makes. In discussing trends of the latter 20th century he notes one which he calls Cultural Christianity. Here is his […]
Should Mark 16:9-20 Be In The Bible?
(This article and the linked paper are from an old Freed-Hardeman friend, David Hester. This is an important scholarly work which should be considered by mature Christians. I think David has reached some very valid conclusions here and I commend his article to your reading. As always, please post your comments below and we will […]
Tattoos and the Bible
I don’t like tattoos. I have never seen one that really appealed to me. I’m just not about to spend a small fortune marking up my body with permanent inks. (Actually, with the size of my body it would be a large fortune.) But that is just my opinion and like everyone else I’m entitled […]
I’m Trying Not To Be A Bubba…but…
Sometimes you just don’t fit in. That happened this afternoon when I tried to run into the hotel restaurant for a quick lunch. It was a fine restaurant I’m sure. I am equally as sure that it has never served grits with red-eye gravy and I know they don’t serve sweet tea. Of course I […]
Frederick Darrell tells a story from his childhood in Guyana. His family lived along a small stream in the country. They raised their food including chickens. There came a time when the family noticed they were missing chickens but they couldn’t figure out where they were going. Maybe some were just wandering off or maybe […]
Rethinking Church
You have noticed that people don’t attend church like they once did. Depending upon who you believe, experts say that as many as one-half of Americans do not attended church services on a regular basis. In some areas that number is far higher. Many churches close their doors every year. Even in established congregations the […]