I thought I’d take a slightly different direction this morning and talk about a common problem: fear. Actually, I’m going to suggest you visit another site for a great article on dealing with personal fears. This guy is not a preacher and I am not sure where he stands on spiritual matters but I came […]
I thought I’d take a slightly different direction this morning and talk about a common problem: fear. Actually, I’m going to suggest you visit another site for a great article on dealing with personal fears. This guy is not a preacher and I am not sure where he stands on spiritual matters but I came […]
“preach the word” (2 Timothy 4:2) Paul’s encouragement to Timothy is brief but packed with power. Oh that men would heed that simple call today! Behind the scenes at this blog, I get to see the search engine terms that people use to find us on the internet. This week, someone typed in the term […]
“preach the word” (2 Timothy 4:2) Paul’s encouragement to Timothy is brief but packed with power. Oh that men would heed that simple call today! Behind the scenes at this blog, I get to see the search engine terms that people use to find us on the internet. This week, someone typed in the term […]
Freed-Hardeman Day 1
The first full day of the Freed-Hardeman Lectureship is over and we will soon be heading into the second day. Open Forum The most popular session is always the Open Forum which is moderated by Dr. Ralph Gilmore. The Monday sessions are typically quiet with few questions. Gilmore sets the stage by discussing questions that […]
Freed-Hardeman Lectures
The Freed-Hardeman Lectures are this week in the small hamlet of Henderson, Tennessee. In fact, the population of Henderson will swell by almost 100% during the lectureship week. I look forward to attending this week which will be at least number 15 for me. This will be the 73rd annual lectureship. “Crying Out to God: […]
Freed-Hardeman Lectures
The Freed-Hardeman Lectures are this week in the small hamlet of Henderson, Tennessee. In fact, the population of Henderson will swell by almost 100% during the lectureship week. I look forward to attending this week which will be at least number 15 for me. This will be the 73rd annual lectureship. “Crying Out to God: […]
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for They shall be filled…” Matthew 5:6 All of us, some more than others, enjoy a good meal. After worship on Sundays the quick rush is to the restaurants or to the house for a big Sunday dinner. During the week we eat throughout each day […]
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for They shall be filled…” Matthew 5:6 All of us, some more than others, enjoy a good meal. After worship on Sundays the quick rush is to the restaurants or to the house for a big Sunday dinner. During the week we eat throughout each day […]
God’s Jealousy
(What follows is a question from a student in our Bible Correspondence Courses. We post it here for anyone else who may have wondered the same thing.) Why is God a jealous God when jealousy is a sin? This is an excellent question which shows that you are looking deeper into God’s word. Let me […]