The Preacher Unmasked: Preachers are Hypocrites
Preachers are hypocrites. There, I said it. If a hypocrite is someone who says one thing but does something else then preachers are hypocrites and this author is foremost. Because our work is so public when we stumble everybody has something to say. The first word out of the mouth of some is a charge […]
Including Others
Evangelism is spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. It is introducing people to Jesus and telling them of his salvation. Evangelism is also reaching out to the struggling who are in Christ but slipping away. In the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) Jesus commanded that we make disciples, teach and baptize and teach them again. […]
The Thief on the Cross and Baptism
The thief on the cross has little or nothing to do with baptism. The Bible teaches that baptism is essential for salvation. Those who disagree often point to the thief on the cross as evidence that baptism is not required for salvation. Their reasoning is that since Jesus told the thief that he would be with him […]
Pulpit Freedom Sunday: A Misguided Idea
Hundreds of preachers are going to break the law today (October 7, 2012). It’s called Pulpit Freedom Sunday and it is staged by an organization that works to protect churches against government intrusion. Preachers will step into their pulpits today and take a political position for or against Mitt Romney or Barack Obama. Intervening on […]
The “Attractional” Church
Churches are searching for young adults. Survey’s have repeatedly shown that people in their 20’s are abandoning churches in growing numbers. Some return when they marry, have children and begin to look for additional stability but some never come back. To plug the slow drain some churches have turned to big bands and big social […]
It’s Not Working
Churches try all sorts of ways to attract people to their services. Some focus heavily on music and large scale productions while others have turned to large youth oriented carnivals and rallies. Still others spend large amounts on advertising and market research. Of course many still rely on the ICP’s (incredibly corny phrases) posted on […]
Brother to Brother – A Call for Love
Love is the fundamental quality of the Christian. Ironically, love is the hardest quality to develop, mature and maintain. Love is often the first casualty in any disagreement. When loves leaves, trouble comes. A lack of love is directly responsible for violence, crime, domestic abuse, adultery, church divisions and every other social ill one can imagine. […]
Leave the Unrighteous Out of It!
The church of my Lord is perfect. Its government, doctrine, purpose and mission are without error. Obviously those who are part of the church, the members, are not perfect. But the church itself, as given by Jesus is perfect. The church is the body of Christ (Ephesians 5:23) and must be given the proper glory […]
Being A Christian
Being a Christian is a unique and joyful experience when we properly fill the role. The unrighteous may heap scorn upon the child of God. But, he has nothing comparable to the strength, power and happiness that fills the Christian. Because of the special place the faithful disciple enjoys, his life should be full of […]
When Elders Make Mistakes
The appointment of elders was a pressing need in the opening days of the church. Paul told Titus to “appoint elders in every city” (Titus 1:5). The character, maturity and reputation of elders were all important considerations according to the apostle (1 Timothy 3:2-7; Titus 1:5-9). Jesus entrusted the spiritual safety of the church to […]