CFCM Retreat Report
What a great experience to be at the Christ First Campus Ministry (CFCM) retreat this weekend in Walker County. Overseen by the Northport church of Christ, this campus ministry soundly serves the University of Alabama, Shelton State Community College and Stillman College as well as college age students in and around Tuscaloosa. This weekend was […]
When is a Church not a Church?
A rather interesting question don’t you think? After all, there are literally dozens and dozens of churches in our area and each preaches a fundamentally differing doctrine from the others. Can all of these be called churches? Certainly society considers them churches as does the government. But our interest is in the Bible view. When […]
When is a Church not a Church?
A rather interesting question don’t you think? After all, there are literally dozens and dozens of churches in our area and each preaches a fundamentally differing doctrine from the others. Can all of these be called churches? Certainly society considers them churches as does the government. But our interest is in the Bible view. When […]
Century Meeting a Fine Effort
We are pleased to report that the Gospel meeting at the Century church of Christ in Century, Florida was a fine success. The brethren were well prepared for my arrival and had visitors present from the community. The lessons were were all very basic and I trust were useful to the guests as well as […]
Can Two or Three Have Church?
Every Lord’s Day, Christians assemble together to worship. The purpose of that worship is, first and foremost, to honor God through praise, devotion and thanksgiving and the joining together around the Lord’s table in commemoration of his death. It was, and is, God’s plan that his people join together weekly to worship him and encourage […]
Can Two or Three Have Church?
Every Lord’s Day, Christians assemble together to worship. The purpose of that worship is, first and foremost, to honor God through praise, devotion and thanksgiving and the joining together around the Lord’s table in commemoration of his death. It was, and is, God’s plan that his people join together weekly to worship him and encourage […]
Sermons for Sunday, October 26, 2008
We invite you to join us Sunday for another great day of worship at Eastern Shore. Our services are simple and centered around growing in a knowledge of God and his son Jesus Christ. Sunday Morning – 10:00 AM The Priceless Bride Ephesians 5:25-27 This is a study of the church and its central importance […]
Sermons for Sunday, October 26, 2008
We invite you to join us Sunday for another great day of worship at Eastern Shore. Our services are simple and centered around growing in a knowledge of God and his son Jesus Christ. Sunday Morning – 10:00 AM The Priceless Bride Ephesians 5:25-27 This is a study of the church and its central importance […]
A Grand Day
The Bible teaches that we are to give honor to those deserving of it (Romans 13:7). In the Old Testament, we are told to honor the aged (Leviticus 19:32). Elders who rule well are worthy of double honor Paul says (1 Timothy 5:17). The Eastern Shore church was able to honor one of its own […]
So What’s An Ebenezer Anyway?
Christian hymns draw people closer to the Lord and deepen their relationship with him. They also help Christians encourage other saints. But sometimes we find odd or archaic words in our hymns that could even be distracting to the worshiper. We sing them anyway because they just “sound” right. How about the great song, O, […]