Internet Pornography Statistics – An Update

We’ve posted several articles on internet pornography and its terrible hold on Christian men and women. Statistics on internet porn are difficult to discover in part because it is such an anonymous habit. But from time to time we come across some statistics and we wish to pass them along. A page at offers […]

Gulf Oil Spill and Jesus

It shouldn’t be surprising that some people will use faith as a tool to achieve political ends. Governments have done it for ages. The Russian Orthodox Church was cooperating tool of the old Soviet empire, the Roman Catholic Church almost divided over the issue of Liberation Theology in Central America. More than any of those […]

Ways to Stop Gossip – Your Response

There are many ways to stop gossip. Maybe the most important way is to stop repeating what we hear. But since so many people struggle with the consequences of gossip and because so many are hurt by it, I thought we would offer a slightly different take on the subject. We’ve talked about ways to […]

Can Money Make You Happy?

There’s a new story from FOX DC which suggests that more money can really make you happier. It’s a large study of 136,000 people from around the world. If true it goes against much of which we have been taught, namely, that money cannot buy happiness. Certainly money is important. Being able to afford the […]

Lord Keep Me From the Extremes

Would you rather be rich or poor? Does it matter? The wisest man ever, who happened to have great wealth, said it like this: “Remove far from me falsehood and lying; give me neither poverty or riches; feed me with the food that is needful for me, lest I be full and deny you and […]

Stop Gossip in the Church

Do church members gossip? Do they gossip about each other? I think we know the answer. And I think we know that all of us have been guilty of gossip at some time. But we also know that gossip is a horrendous habit that can assault, crush and destroy even the strongest believer. Gossip is […]

The Cultural Christian

I’m finally reading Patrick Morley’s book, The Man in the Mirror. So far I like it. I will give a full review when I finish it. But I want to pass along a comment he makes. In discussing trends of the latter 20th century he notes one which he calls Cultural Christianity. Here is his […]

Finished With Christ?

I guess it’s good that people think about Jesus at least once or twice a year. I mean, apart from Christmas and Easter some folks could go years and never even think of the Savior. But I am also concerned that some may feel satisfied with their “duties” done after attending a church service during […]

What Pro-Lifer’s Really Want

Abortion is probably the single most polarizing discussion in America. Few people are in the middle and most have staked out their positions long ago. Still there are frequent debates. Conservative Chuck Norris entered the fray with an article entitled “Away with the Manger.” In it he suggests that abortion may have been driven in […]

Where Is Peace?

The world seeks peace. But since almost the beginning it seems peace cannot be found. The first couple found themselves at odds with God over their sin (Genesis 3:6). As a consequence they lost both of their sons, one as a victim of murder and the other as the murderer (Genesis 4:8). Turmoil would continue […]

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