President Barack Obama, less than a week into his presidency, as released your tax dollars to promote abortion. No one can say they are surprised or caught unawares for this is precisely what the candidate promised to do during his campaign. Christians were unhappy to hear his political promises then but should be outraged now […]
After the Lottery
Alabama’s Governor is already talking about gambling and some supporters are smacking their lips at the idea of making millions off of foolish people easily separated from their money. The recent economic downturn seems to be the perfect time to once again tempt the voters of Alabama into accepting a lottery. Well here is a […]
After the Lottery
Alabama’s Governor is already talking about gambling and some supporters are smacking their lips at the idea of making millions off of foolish people easily separated from their money. The recent economic downturn seems to be the perfect time to once again tempt the voters of Alabama into accepting a lottery. Well here is a […]
Oil and Water
Anyone who has made a salad knows that oil and water do not mix well. Many salad dressings are made of a mixture of oil, water vinegar and spices. While quite good, they must be vigorously shaken at serving because the two products will not bind together for long. Solomon notes that the righteous and […]
Greed Hurts
Greed will likely be the byword of 2009. Just think about it. Thousands of people bought homes they should have known they could not afford. Businessmen handed out loans to customers who could not repay and a slick salesman named Bernard Madoff took the wealthiest among us for billions in a scheme to get rich […]
Greed Hurts
Greed will likely be the byword of 2009. Just think about it. Thousands of people bought homes they should have known they could not afford. Businessmen handed out loans to customers who could not repay and a slick salesman named Bernard Madoff took the wealthiest among us for billions in a scheme to get rich […]
Enjoy and Remember
It’s a grand week ahead for most people. I suspect we will all be with our families during the holidays and will enjoy a little rest and relaxation. Do be careful as you travel and remember to find the Lord’s people and worship wherever you go. I’d like to encourage you to remember those that […]
Civil Disobedience
The willful disobedience of civil laws as a means of protest has a long and established history among world governments. Mahatma Ghandi, a civil organizer of the first half of the 20th century may be the best known advocate for civil disobedience. Known as the Father of India, Ghandi fought against an oppressive system through […]
Civil Disobedience
The willful disobedience of civil laws as a means of protest has a long and established history among world governments. Mahatma Ghandi, a civil organizer of the first half of the 20th century may be the best known advocate for civil disobedience. Known as the Father of India, Ghandi fought against an oppressive system through […]
When Sin is Very Public
Many sins manage to stay covered from the eyes of men. But sometimes sin becomes extremely well known. How shall we respond when a family member or close friend is caught up in sin? Will we separate ourselves from them or will be respond in love, strength and support? Some do not understand that Christians […]