Neither Jew nor Greek, Millennial or Boomer

The title butchers the verse. Galatians 3:28 really says: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” It is one of Paul’s great unifying statements on the oneness of the Christian family; the household of God. Spiritually, […]

Who Are You Listening To?

I was studying Psalm 1 this morning and it suddenly hit me. God’s people need a better filter. We need to screen out the empty words of the wicked from our lives. That seems obvious but there is more to it; it has a greater impact than you might think. “Blessed is the man who […]

Why So Much Hate?

The world is an angry place. Venom runs deep. It is ugly, even nauseating to see it running so deeply through our world. Why? Where did this mess come from? Anger and hatred can be classed into a half dozen very broad categories: Crime, Politics, Revenge, Anti-Authority, Economics, and Narcissism. These are in no particular […]


There’s a war going on. It’s not in Syria. Our opponent is not Russia, Iran or North Korea. The bombs are not made by Raytheon, and there are no Admirals or Generals leading armies. This war is far more destructive than any conflict humanity has ever witnessed. More will fall than in all the previous […]

You Never Know

You never really know what is in the heart of someone, do you? We have the trite cliché that “you can’t judge a book by its cover.” Scriptures say it differently: “…man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). You and I may have an idea of […]

5 Reasons to Pray for Trump-Kim Nuclear Summit

Readers know I’m not much for politics, especially as it pertains to the church. But there is an event happening this week that Christians should be in fervent prayer about. U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean President Kim Jung Un are meeting to discuss the reduction of nuclear weapons on the Korean peninsula. That […]

Wisdom from the World is Good – Sometimes

I’ve been teaching a lot lately on wisdom. Actually, the difference between Godly wisdom and worldly wisdom. 1 Corinthians 2:5 is probably the anchor of his entire wisdom discussion that begins back in chapter 1. There is a profound difference between wisdom that comes from God and what passes for wisdom in our world. Recently, […]

What Happened to Your Anchor

Granddaddy loved to fish and he was good at it. I grew up about a mile from his house and had a permanent fishing buddy. He had a small john boat with an electric trolling motor mounted on the stern. It was a small lake and gasoline engines were prohibited. He kept two homemade anchors in […]

Human Trafficking: Somebody Gets It

I am at Harding University in Searcy, Arkansas this morning. This major University is home to students from all over the world. I had breakfast this morning and as I walked around campus I found a handwritten phrase that you see above: End Human Trafficking. It was one of those surprising coincidences as I had […]

Another High Cost of Porn

Pornography is everywhere. It’s in advertisements for everything from automobiles to fast food. In fact, pornography is so common that many people have come to believe that there is no harm in it. However, pornography is extraordinarily damaging to society. Some experts believe that pornography may be one of the most prevalent mental health problems […]