Kingdom Thinking

I have been thinking about the kingdom lately. I suppose that all of the tension among worldly kingdoms has me thinking about God’s kingdom of peace and security. From what I read a lot of believers are confusing the earthly kingdoms with the kingdom of Christ. That’s a big mistake and leads to some pretty […]

Thinking About Drinking: Is There Any Guidance? (part three)

In two previous articles, (one / two) we have assessed social drinking from a secular perspective. We tried to show that consumption of alcoholic beverages carries certain risks to the imbiber as well as to his family, friends, and even those people he does not know but who happen to cross his path. All of […]

Thinking About Drinking: Is There Any Guidance? (part two)

Previously we noted that adult beverages are unnecessary and potentially dangerous. We observed that early signs of intoxication might easily be missed leading to drunkenness. It is also beyond dispute that alcohol, even at lower levels, blunts judgment while giving the drinker a sense of wellbeing. This feeling that all is well may mask attitudes, […]

Thinking About Drinking: Is There Any Guidance? (part 1)

Intoxication is common today. Alcoholic beverages are ubiquitous. Advertisements during sporting events seem predominated by the likes of Budweiser, Miller, Coors, and Dos Equis. It may seem like everyone drinks booze in some form. The church has, for the most part, argued against the consumption of alcoholic substances but recently I observed an exchange between […]

Morality is Dead

Morality is dead. It’s as dead as old Jacob Marley. Maybe that is an overstatement, but morality is surely on life support, and her heart rate is dropping quickly. Previously, we have written of moral failures by politicians. But more concerning is the excusing gymnastics done by church leaders in defense of their chosen party. […]

Fallout from Christian Politics

The blending of Christianity and politics is always bad. We have discouraged those who want to mix faith and politics. The fallout continues and is well summarized by Mark Galli at Christianity Today.  I recommend his take on the Biggest Loser in the recent election. remember, Jesus said that his kingdom was not of this world […]

Does Christmas Seem Empty to You?

Amidst the twinkling lights, snowmen, and the aromas of a Christmas kitchen, there seems to me an expanding emptiness during the holidays. As a child in Northport, Alabama, I recall the smell of a live Christmas tree in our living room. I would lay beneath its limbs like a giant Christmas present and watch the […]

Preachers and Roy Moore: A Teachable Moment

Since Jerry Falwell and the Moral Majority swept Ronald Reagan to victory in the 1980 Presidential Primary and General Election, politics have become more and more intertwined with faith. Nowhere is this mixing more evident than in the so-called evangelical churches. The politics of faith has even made its way into the pulpit and preaching […]

The Christian and the World

Christians use the term “World” differently than most people. For us, it depends on its context as to its precise meaning. We may speak of the entirety of Creation as crafted by God in Genesis. We may simply speak broadly of the world as the place where men and animals exist. But often our view […]

Dear Sir: An Open Letter to Employers

You are the backbone of our economy. Your hard work and dedication to your industry have made you successful. You employ millions of Americans, thus, allowing them the assets to pursue their goals and dreams. Your production gives the rest of us the necessities and luxuries of life. Thank you! I hesitate to complain but […]