Desperately Seeking Vashti: Three Lessons from a Deposed Queen

Vashti was beautiful to behold but today is overlooked and stands in the shadow of Esther. We must give Vashti her due. Vashti is only mentioned in the first part of Esther.  Yet she leaves a legacy worthy of imitation for women today. ((I know modesty applies to men too but Vashti is especially well […]


Two families in New York City are grappling with the power of words this morning. For the past few weeks citizens have been protesting police actions which resulted in the deaths of black men.  Sometimes those protests turned nasty and resulted in looting and lawlessness on a grand scale. The message portrayed in the media […]

4 Thoughts on the Protests

Some events just bring out the worst in people. Such has been the recent events surrounding two deaths involving police officers. In both cases, officers were cleared of any criminal action but protesters were unhappy and took to the streets to protest their concerns. There is nothing wrong with protesting. It is an established and […]

Women Turned Away from Church Because of Immodest Dress

A church in Kenya is asking some worshipers to dress more modestly. A woman was asked to go home and change because of her clothing. The reported comments suggest the issue of immodest dress is common in that particular church. The woman at the focus of the uproar is identified only as “Julia” and lives […]

Is Suicide A Sin?

If you know me, you know I do not judge the eternal destiny of individuals. That is God’s job and I am happy to leave it to him. My knowledge is never complete so I observe and warn but do not presume to judge. That’s especially true with suicide victims. There are some who teach […]

Elton John and Jesus

Elton John, famed musician and outspoken homosexual activist, informed us this weekend that “if Jesus Christ was alive today, I cannot see him, as the Christian person that he was and the great person  that he was, saying this could not happen.” John is speaking of legislation which would permit homosexual couples to be married in the […]

Resistance is Futile…or Is It?

“You will be assimilated…Resistance is futile” – Locutus of The Borg (Star Trek) Assimilation is the process of absorbing one thing into another such that there is nothing left of the original item. Star Trek aficionados understand the term from “The Next Generation” when an alien race tries to eliminate all of humanity by assimilating […]

Is Marijuana Sinful?

The Gospel Coalition offers an analysis of marijuana and whether it should be considered sinful. While marijuana is not specifically mentioned in God’s word, it shares characteristics. Of course we have written about the trouble of alcohol here before. Take a moment and read Joe Carter’s Is Recreational Marijuana Sinful? For more on recreational alcohol use […]

Pesky Priorities

I am a sports fanatic. I especially love football and adore my Crimson Tide. But I am finding that sports are invading my life too much. As one author said, its not worth it to let three hours on Saturday ruin your whole year. ((Chad Gibbs, God and Football))  But I am also concerned that athletics […]

Comfortable Sin

Comfort foods are foods that bring us great satisfaction. Chocolate cake, a homemade chicken casserole, extra hot sanchos from Taco Casa in Tuscaloosa. Right? The problem is that comfort foods are usually unhealthy, especially in volume.  We never fuss at anyone about eating them because they are so common and, well, comforting. Jason Todd at […]