Why America Struggles With Faith

I don’t think anyone would argue that America is becoming a more secular nation. Founding principles of faith and morality have slipped away. We have become more focused on the individual and individual rights rather than our place as a servants of Jesus Christ. One writer observes that many who practice immorality still stand behind […]

Farewell 2012

We close the books on 2012 today. It’s over and I’m hoping for a better 2013. It has been a difficult year in so many ways. Hardly a month has passed without some horrifying event taking place which rattles us and makes stop to ask “why?” Let’s think about the big events of 2012 and […]

3 Thoughts on Newtown

Evil is real. We need to understand that the devil is as real as Jesus although, thankfully, he is not as powerful as our Lord. Many are asking questions today about the Connecticut shooting. People want to why such a thing could happen in a peaceful town. Some are questioning God and asking why a […]

Should We Change?

People vote for a candidate for one or many possible reasons. One very large set of issues are those that deal with social issues or moral issues. Things like abortion, gambling, gay marriage and work ethic issues define many American voters. For many years, politicos have been telling us that these issues are unimportant to […]

Pulpit Freedom Sunday: A Misguided Idea

Hundreds of preachers are going to break the law today (October 7, 2012). It’s called Pulpit Freedom Sunday and it is staged by an organization that works to protect churches against government intrusion. Preachers will step into their pulpits today and take a political position for or against Mitt Romney or Barack Obama. Intervening on […]

Hatred Is Easy, Prayer is Hard

I confess. I am pretty angry at the way things are going in the world. People who reject Jesus as the Son of God are violently attacking people and places in the name of a false prophet. Representatives of the country that assures my (and their) freedom to worship are brutalized and murdered. Yes, I […]

Rethinking Trouble

I’d like to point you to an article I saw this morning from Forthright Press. It concerns the trouble in the Middle East and, I think, puts an interesting perspective on the religious clashes now taking place. Author Michael Brooks is a Christian who writes from Bangladesh which is not particularly friendly to religious diversity. […]

The Failed Episcopal Experiment

One should not take joy in the demise of a church. It comes only after devilish ideas are embraced and sound Bible teaching has been rejected. Nevertheless, the continued meltdown of the Episcopal church does teach an important lesson to those who rush to liberal theology as the true hope of mankind. Not only is […]

Darkness is Falling on Tuscaloosa

Tuscaloosa County is the home of my youth. Growing up in Northport, we often went to Tuscaloosa to shop and for entertainment. The University of Alabama was there and football weekends in the Fall were as much a part of my youth as skinned knees. In 1972, when I was 11 years old, a disturbance […]

Obama, Thomas and Ignorance

I try to avoid overt politics here. This site is first about Jesus Christ and his gospel of salvation. We do talk about political issues sometimes as they touch on things of faith but we do shy away from talking about candidates. But today is different. Kind of. Cal Thomas is a political pundit who […]

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