Monday Memo – Enoch

I guess that of all Bible characters, Enoch is the most curious. We know little about him but what we do know is exciting and encouraging. “When Enoch had lived 65 years, he fathered Methuselah.  Enoch walked with God after he fathered Methuselah 300 years and had other sons and daughters. Thus all the days […]

Noah Found Grace

I guess all the rain has me thinking about Noah and the Ark. It’s been raining hard here for a few days with at least two more to go. It’s nothing like the people of Noah’s day experienced however and I am glad for that. Noah’s story begins in Genesis 6:5 ff when the wickedness […]

Spoiled Fruit: The Sin of Eve

The greatest disappointment in global history came when Adam and Eve sinned in Eden.  From within the borders of God’s perfect garden came an act of treason so horrible that all of mankind suffers from its consequences. God may have known she would sin but God did not cause her sin. “So when the woman […]

Bad Things Happen to Good People

Bad things happen to good people. The faithful suffer illness and death. The righteous are persecuted by the unrighteous. The devout face ruin and destruction. Such trials have happened since the days of the first couple and they continue even now. People much wiser than I have tried to explain this phenomenon in volumes of […]

Genesis – Know the Book

Genesis is the first book of the Bible,  the first book of the Pentateuch and the first book of the Old Testament. It covers a longer period of time than any other book in the Bible. Genesis stretches from “the beginning” (Genesis 1:1) until the entrance of Jacob’s family into Egypt and the death of […]

In the Beginning God…

The first verse of the Bible says a lot. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” God marks the beginning and ending of all we know. He was present at the first sunrise and will be the one to bring everything to an end. It’s hard to think about but God came […]

Monday Memo: Righteous Abel

Abel is a pivotal character in Scripture. Ironically, little is revealed about the son of Adam and Eve but his life marks an important point in history. Abel is first mentioned in Genesis 4:2 as the second of two children born to the first couple. His name appears in only 13 verses in the Bible […]

Monday Memo – Joseph

“The keeper of the prison paid no attention to anything that was in Joseph’s charge. because the Lord was with him. And whatever he did, the Lord made it succeed. (Genesis 39:23) CNN told us Friday that Americans were turning to fortune tellers to help them get through the present economic hardships. That only proves […]

When Evil is Good

There are times when we wonder why we struggle so much. We wonder why there seems to be so much badness or evil in the world. Why must the righteous suffer while the wicked seem to prosper and flourish? Questions like these are neither new nor uncommon. Often the psalmist cried to God for deliverance […]

Monday Memo – Abraham

The earliest days of the life of Abraham are a bit foggy. He lived in the east, in a place called Ur. He lived with his wife, his father and brothers. The place where they lived was given over to pagan worship. Men worshipped numerous gods, each with responsibility for some aspect of their lives. […]

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