Friends for Dinner

A man once remarked that he might have to work with a person he did not like, but he did not have to break bread with him. He is right. We do not invite our enemies to dinner. We cherish friends and relish spending time with them over a meal. We invite our friends to […]

The Price of Jesus

Judas sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Even though he tried to return the money he is still one of the most infamous characters in Scripture. His name is used as an insult hurled at one who is a traitor or turncoat. We despise Judas because of what he did to Jesus. Like you, […]


It is true, Jesus Breaks Christians. He does not stop there. After Jesus breaks a man, he rebuilds him. He rebuilds him far better than he was before. Here in Daphne, a small building recently burned. Flames destroyed much of the roof and most of two walls. Smoke infiltrated the remainder of the wood frame […]

Confusing Love and Tolerance

  Jesus is the greatest example of love ever known. “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).  But Jesus went beyond that. He died for his enemies too. “For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For […]


The mind of the Christian is vastly different from the mind of the worldly person. In our conversion and sanctification we have been changed. We do not see life the same way as before. And, as we mature, our thinking changes more and we become more like Christ in our thinking and actions. Today, we […]

What Now?

Christmas is history. Presents exchanged, meals prepared and much love exchanged by family and friends marked the holiday. All that remains is to pack away the ornaments, throw out the trash and wave goodbye to family as everyone returns home to begin a new year. It’s been busy. Among all the food, frivolity and fun, […]

Day by Day

Christianity is a way of life. Our faith is daily. It saturates every minute of every day. There is never a moment when a servant of Christ takes a vacation from the Lord’s work. We belong to Christ always. The original Christians constantly and consistently lived for Jesus. Their dedication guides us into a life […]

John 3:16

John 3:16 is the best known Bible verse. Even most atheists know the verse. It’s posted on signs at sporting events, it appears on bumper stickers, is emblazoned on t-shirts and is often quoted from the pulpit. This Golden Text of the Bible is known and quoted by people even if they do not know […]

The Struggle

Almost everything in life is a process. Our physical growth is a process occurring over decades. Education is a process spanning years and years. In the same way, spiritual development is a process. It takes time to purge the bad habits and develop new, godly habits. Sometimes we become impatient with ourselves and with others […]

Elton John and Jesus

Elton John, famed musician and outspoken homosexual activist, informed us this weekend that “if Jesus Christ was alive today, I cannot see him, as the Christian person that he was and the great person  that he was, saying this could not happen.” John is speaking of legislation which would permit homosexual couples to be married in the […]

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