Memorial Day
How do you honor someone who gave his life for you? All the parades, all the ceremonies and all the speeches combined can never repay their sacrifice. But, we try. In the USA, tomorrow is Memorial Day. It is a time to remember all the men and women who gave their lives in defense of […]
Jesus Forgives and Heals
Jesus taught a masterful lesson at his home in Capernaum. He had just crossed the Sea of Galilee where he stilled a storm and then healed two demon possessed men from a graveyard (Matthew 8:23 ff). Now people have flocked to his home and he begins to teach. The crowds are so large that no […]
The Devil Is In Charge!
A provocative title wouldn’t you say? But it is very true. Christians often respond with shock and surprise at the wickedness that runs rampant in our world. We shouldn’t be. It is expected that any environment under the influence of evil will, itself, be evil. Our world, our society, our culture, and sometimes even our […]
What Is Sin and Why Should I Care?
Preachers are fond of saying that sin is the universal scourge of mankind. We talk a lot about sin and its impact on our world. We remind listeners that sin condemns. But it may be that some people, especially those fresh to thinking about spiritual matters, may not understand the entire idea of sin and […]
My Fault? Can’t Be!
The human condition is frail, weak, wicked, broken. There is no denying that mankind suffers from almost every malady that can be imagined. We’re a sad lot. At some level I suppose there is comfort in knowing that we aren’t that much different from everyone else. In other words, I guess there is comfort in […]
Jesus loves. Jesus teaches love. Jesus is love. No one else teaches love like Jesus. We follow him and so we learn to love like him. It is often a challenge. Let’s begin with a clear definition of love. Love is a decision to provide the very best for another even at a sacrificial cost. […]
Your Check Bounced!
There are not too many people who enjoy paying bills. I spent a few hours this weekend balancing the checkbook and writing more checks to pay my bills. It’s good when you’re done but not really something I look forward to. But I am thankful that we have steady income and have enough money to […]
The Sermon of Sermons
Jesus was beginning to preach and teach. He went to a nearby mountainside and his disciples began to flock after him. Rumors swirled around Jesus. Although he had not said so, many thought him to be the promised deliverer. At the very least, Jesus was a new and fresh Rabbi come to reach his followers. […]
3 Rules for Holy Spirit Studies
Many people study the Holy Spirit. This divine member of the Godhead is often seen as a mysterious and unknowable Bible character. Sometimes, what people think they know about the Spirit is actually a blending of a little Bible and a whole lot of misinformation from wealth-seeking television preachers and book-selling authors who know that […]
Unrestrained Passions
The dust up over Duck Dynasty and homosexuality brought many thoughts into view. The Biblical view is that the practice of homosexuality is a sin. The lawless view is that there is no such thing as God and therefore no such thing as sin. In the middle are masses who either do not know what […]