The Real Cost
Sometimes we are reminded how easy we have it here. Aside from the occasional snide remark our faith is largely unchallenged. But not too far from our shores a preaching student, much like those at our Guyana Christian University, are paying the price for evangelism. A preaching student was cut in pieces in the Dominican […]
Hate vs. Love
Westboro Baptist Church brought their hate to Tuscaloosa Saturday. That church is known for picketing funerals of American servicemen claiming they did as a judgment from God because the US supports homosexuality. We have no intention of saying anything else about them but they do provide a useful backdrop for some thoughts on approaching sin. […]
3 Thoughts on Newtown
Evil is real. We need to understand that the devil is as real as Jesus although, thankfully, he is not as powerful as our Lord. Many are asking questions today about the Connecticut shooting. People want to why such a thing could happen in a peaceful town. Some are questioning God and asking why a […]
Lessons from the Oldest Living Person
Bessie Cooper died yesterday in Georgia. She was officially the world’s oldest living person. Her son reported that she had her hair done earlier in the day as if she was preparing to go. She had become something of a celebrity as she was the first Georgian to ever old a world record. I don’t […]
Rethinking Trouble
I’d like to point you to an article I saw this morning from Forthright Press. It concerns the trouble in the Middle East and, I think, puts an interesting perspective on the religious clashes now taking place. Author Michael Brooks is a Christian who writes from Bangladesh which is not particularly friendly to religious diversity. […]
Is Religion Becoming Extinct?
No it is not. Religion, at least the true faith of the Bible, is here to stay. However the BBC is reporting on a group of mathematicians and statisticians who have declared that religion may soon be extinct. They use complex mathematical formula to analyze declining religious affiliation in various countries. But they miss one […]
Gulf Oil Spill and Jesus
It shouldn’t be surprising that some people will use faith as a tool to achieve political ends. Governments have done it for ages. The Russian Orthodox Church was cooperating tool of the old Soviet empire, the Roman Catholic Church almost divided over the issue of Liberation Theology in Central America. More than any of those […]
How Religious Are We?
Here are some stats for you numbers people. The Pew Forum has released survey numbers showing which states are the most religious. The rankings were based on the percentage whoself-reported that religion is very important in their lives. As expected the southern states fared best. Mississippi was the most religious state and Alabama came in […]
Lessons from the Passing of Senator Edward Kennedy
Senator Ted Kennedy died Tuesday night. The patriarch of the Kennedy family was, according to the Washington Post a “the last male survivor of a privileged and charismatic family that in the 1960’s dominated American politics and attracted worldwide attention.” The story reminded readers that his two brothers were political scions in their own right, […]
Bolivian Accident
Several members of the Lord’s church in Bolivia were injured and three killed in a bus accident. Details are sketchy but here is the link to the blog run by the missionary in country. Obviously we wish to pray fervently for these people. Although we know none of the personally they are brethren in Christ. […]