Service for the Community
We know that the present economic downturn is challenging many families, some far more than others. It was so encouraging to se Eastern Shore meeting needs last night as we packed more boxes for Christmas for those hurting. Among other things, each box contained a gift certificate for a turkey and the makings for a […]
Service for the Community
We know that the present economic downturn is challenging many families, some far more than others. It was so encouraging to se Eastern Shore meeting needs last night as we packed more boxes for Christmas for those hurting. Among other things, each box contained a gift certificate for a turkey and the makings for a […]
Gambling: A Cure for All of our Problems
Alabama Governor Bob Riley will be holding a news conference today to announce proration for the state education budget. Times are difficult and tax revenues are falling behind appropriations. Riley will dip into the so called Rainy Day Fund that was created by the legislature. But already the howls of the gamblers are being heard. […]
Millport To Assist Guyana Christian University
Sunday night I was pleased to visit with the good brethren at the Millport church of Christ in Lamar County, Alabama. Millport is a very old congregation dating back to the earliest days of Gus Nichols preaching. The brethren there have always been special to Bobbi and me as they allowed us to work with […]
Millport To Assist Guyana Christian University
Sunday night I was pleased to visit with the good brethren at the Millport church of Christ in Lamar County, Alabama. Millport is a very old congregation dating back to the earliest days of Gus Nichols preaching. The brethren there have always been special to Bobbi and me as they allowed us to work with […]
Thanksgiving Aide Brings Joy
The Eastern Shore church prepared 36 Thanksgiving boxes for distribution in November. These were given to people in the commnity who were in need. Many were taken to our local schools where school counselors distributed to students in need. Each package contained ingredients for a large Thanksgiving meal and a gift card for a Butterball […]
Thanksgiving Aide Brings Joy
The Eastern Shore church prepared 36 Thanksgiving boxes for distribution in November. These were given to people in the commnity who were in need. Many were taken to our local schools where school counselors distributed to students in need. Each package contained ingredients for a large Thanksgiving meal and a gift card for a Butterball […]
Six little letters that have become so prominent in our culture, C-H-A-N-G-E. Years ago corporate managers began to teach their employees that change was a good thing. The employees understood that this probably meant layoffs and reassignments were just around the corner. Our recent presidential campaign featured the word from both candidates while the winner […]
Sermons for Sunday, October 19, 2008
I am excited about the lessons this Sunday. We will begin with an illustration from American History and then reach far back into the words of David for a strong Biblical lesson on making wise choices in life. Sunday night we will continue our study of 1st Kings. I really hope I can count on […]
Sermons for Sunday, October 19, 2008
I am excited about the lessons this Sunday. We will begin with an illustration from American History and then reach far back into the words of David for a strong Biblical lesson on making wise choices in life. Sunday night we will continue our study of 1st Kings. I really hope I can count on […]