The message of salvation in Jesus Christ is just too good to be quiet about. When I think of what Jesus’ death means to my eternal future I just cannot be still. The message has to go out: Jesus Saves! Jesus has moved me from certain eternal wrath into his own kingdom (Colossians 1:13). As Peter and John said, “we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20). I may not have been there to see what Jesus did firsthand, but I believe the Bible and through the eye of faith I know what he did and I want everyone else to know too!
I have often wondered how Jesus would spread his word if he were beginning his church today. Wouldn’t you think he would use the media? Radio, television and print all reach millions of people every second of every day. I also suspect that he would use technology to reach the masses. I imagine that Jesus’ words would go out via email, blogs, websites and even podcasts to reach his followers. Jesus used the technology that he had available at the moment and look what he accomplished!
At Eastern Shore, we are trying our best to use technology to reach our community and our world. I’d like to take a few moments to tell you where we are and what we are doing.
WWW.EASTERNSHORECHURCH.ORG is our primary tool to reach out via the internet. Already listed on every major search engine we are “hit” each day from all over the world. The bulk of our Bible Correspondence Courses come through our website. The site is also you best stop for quick information about what is going on. But the real value is that our site allows a person to check us out from the comfort of his home and without the uncertainty and anxiety of suddenly showing up at a strange place. It raises the comfort level of people who visit. is our blog or web journal. Through the blog, which receives more hits than the main website, we can teach important Biblical lessons. When someone searches for information on a topic they will hopefully be directed to our site. Out of over 10,000,000 sites on the internet, we rank in the top 20% for hits or visits to our blog. The blog also allows people to comment on articles and ask questions.
ALERT@ESCOC.NET is the method by which we contact you rapidly for emergency communications, reports on the sick and important reminders about upcoming events. This is a rather tightly controlled list which does not allow the forwarding of spam mail or cutesy email. It is for business only. Thousands of messages have been sent since it began in 2001. If you are not subscribed, see me.
Maybe most surprisingly, this use of technology costs us about $100/year. Only one hundred dollars! But we need your help to promote these technologies. Ask your friends to stop and visit the site and learn more about us. The content is constantly changing and being refreshed. Help us spread the word.
At the beginning I mentioned that Jesus would probably use all of this technology if he were on earth today. There is one other that he would use. It is called “conversation.” All of these technologies are great when viewed in their place. But not a one of them will ever save a soul. Men must be confronted with their sins and given the Lord’s invitation. Websites are a tool – they do not convert on their own. We need people who are willing to take Bible in hand and sit across a table from men and women and teach. Will you accept that challenge?
Bryant Evans