Monday was the first full day at the lectures and attendees continued to arrive. Weather forecasts were surprisingly good and no doubt some felt better about making the drive.

James Gardner, an FHU faculty member and graduate of both Harvard and Yale Law School offered the morning lecture which was an overview of Joshua from the appointment of Joshua as leader until his death at 110. Following his overview Alan Highers offered a similar presentation on Judges. It is a bit ironic that Highers, a Tennessee State Judge himself, was asked to speak on the Judges. Both men laid the groundwork for the remainder of the week.

Open Forum, believe it or not, spent a good deal of time on gun control and the 2nd Amendment. We’ll see where it goes to day but Christians ought use caution to avoid being distracted  by earthly political events. Moderator Ralph Gilmore seemed to think likewise.

In my judgement, the highlight of the day was the lecture by Jay Lockhart, minister of the church in Whitehouse, Texas. Jay also serves as a trustee of Freed-Hardeman. His 7:30 lecture was Be Strong and Courageous from Joshua 1:6-7. Jay is an experienced and powerful herald of the truth. His sermon was filled with Scripture and yet he seemed to have never glanced at a note. I would highly recommend obtaining the DVD of this session.

Kent Purser (one of our deacons at Eastern Shore) and I are staying at the Mid-South Youth Camp in a cabin. It’s very convenient and is not at all crowded. We are not doing much to help the Henderson/Jackson economy but I’ve done plenty of that in the past.

I do want to say that the students and staff on campus are exemplary in their kindness this week. It’s hard when your entire routine is upset for Lectureship week, I remember it well. But they have always smiled and so far I have not heard a single unkind word. Thank you all for your hospitality.

Bryant Evans may be reached at bryant at You can follow Bryant on Twitter  @jbevans.

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