The article is a little different this week in that it is not really an article at all but instead is just some random thoughts about things we are doing at Eastern Shore. Years ago I had a short rambling in every bulletin but with our growth and the increase in activities there is no longer room. Since we have had so much happening this summer I thought I would take the article space to comment. I hope you don’t mind.

Jonathan and Susan Ling have done a great job with our Vacation Bible School this summer. Since June they have directed our young people in thinking about the various fruits of the spirit from Galatians 5. Puppets, crafts, games and Bible studies have marked out their time every Wednesday. Of course they have had much help from others at Eastern Shore who have assisted to make our efforts especially good this year. For the adults our summer series speakers have done an outstanding job. The elders had us stretch a bit this year and seek for speakers outside of the area; speakers you may not have heard before. They have done a fine job each week on our subject of “To God be the Glory.” One more speaker remains, Joel Wheeler of Foley will be with us this Wednesday night.

About 20 or so from Eastern Shore traveled to Indian Creek Youth Camp this month to enjoy a week of camp in Walker County. Our camp week has become a special time for us every year and we look forward with great anticipation to our week. Of course, by the end of the week we are really looking forward to coming home! This year our theme was Walking Worthy. Each teacher and speaker during the week focused on that same topic and brought encouragement to youth and adults alike to walk worthy of our calling (Colossians 1:10; Ephesians 4:1). Already plans are being made for next year so keep listening.

John Langham has been away in Guyana for almost an entire month working with our mission points there. John began by attending the graduation ceremonies at Guyana Christian University which this congregation supports and oversees. He has then been working with a team teaching the gospel in Maracobai, which is near the coast. So far over 25 have been baptized into Christ and about 15 have been restored. John will be home this week.

Sid and Linda Chupek and Jerry and Sherren Brown have re-energized our Primetimers group. Our seniors have a full and busy schedule of events still ahead for the summer which include fun fellowship events, like their recent trip to see an Elvis impersonator. Especially important is their desire to fellowship with one another in spiritual events. I was honored to be asked to help kick off their Bible studies this past Friday night. They came together with a nice crowd at the Chupek’s for a study of the book of James. There were great comments and thoughts offered by the group on this wonderful book. Plans are to continue the studies monthly. I’m glad to see this desire to study the Bible more. Sometimes we leave Bible study to Sunday’s and Wednesday’s only while loading the schedule with fun and games. I commend them for their studies.

Our Middle Members, who made up a significant part of our camp counselors at ICYC, have continued to enjoy one another’s company. 23 enjoyed an evening of pizza and putt-putt golf last night in Gulf Shores. It was especially interesting that within each golfing team that played, in every case the winner was also the score keeper. Of course the winners were also the better golfers but I’m just saying…

Many of you have been showing your concern and support to the Owens family as Curtis grows weaker and weaker. They were so thankful for the meal you provided Saturday. It’s an example of your Christ-like love for your fellow family members. Life can be so difficult at times. I can’t imagine how people in  the world get by without a strong faith in God and without the kind of relationships we find in Christ.

Thank you for allowing  my rambling on and on. I am so glad to be a part of  the family here. I’ve been away more this summer than usual and still have more places to be  including a gospel meeting next week in Tuscaloosa and a trip to Guyana at the end of August. Thanks for making my family a part of your family at Eastern Shore!

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