Teen Pregnancy

There is troubling news today about teen pregnancies and the rate of abortion. A new report suggests a rise in pregnancies and abortions although the long term trend remains downward. I’ll let you read it for yourself at TIME.COM. But we should be reminded that we all need to remain vigilant and maintain open lines […]

What Pro-Lifer’s Really Want

Abortion is probably the single most polarizing discussion in America. Few people are in the middle and most have staked out their positions long ago. Still there are frequent debates. Conservative Chuck Norris entered the fray with an article entitled “Away with the Manger.” In it he suggests that abortion may have been driven in […]

Forced to Assist in Abortion

There are few things in life that I am certain about but abortion is one of them. It’s just wrong. Now comes word that a nurse was forced to assist in what turned out to be a non-emergent abortion even though the nurse had serious moral issues with the procedure. I’d suggest you read this […]

Will Murder Change ProLife Debate

It’s been a couple of weeks since abortion provider George Tiller was gunned down while serving as an usher in church. As we have mentioned before George Tiller should not have been killed. He was a man caught up in an evil way of life to be sure. Why the Lutheran church was using him […]

Abortion and Pro-Life

The slaying of George Tiller has caused an odd twist in the abortion debate. Those in favor of abortion rights are complaining about the taking of his life while some in the pro-life community have taken a more relaxed few of his murder. To be fair, those opposing abortion who accept murder are very few […]

Abortionist Murder is Unacceptable

Dr. George Tiller was no hero. He routinely took the life of unborn babies. Specifically, he was one of the few U.S. physicians who performed late term or partial birth abortions. Tiller was a part of what is perhaps the most shameful aspect of our present culture. He was gunned down on Sunday while serving […]

Should Christians Be Concerned about Sotomayor?

President Obama has nominated federal judge Sonia Sotomayor to become the next U.S. Supreme Court Justice. Typically, Christians are quick to analyze the prospective justice’s view on abortion – usually. Only in this case there is a problem. Judge Sotomayor has never directly ruled on abortion or a woman’s right to choose life or death […]

Fair Minded Words

Abortion is the sleeper issue of the present administration in Washington D.C. Recently President Barack Obama spoke at Notre Dame, a Roman Catholic university. He touched on abortion in his speech. President Obama called upon people to stop demonizing one another in their debates and disagreements. Joe Palmer at Wishing for you a better life […]

Fair Minded Words

Abortion is the sleeper issue of the present administration in Washington D.C. Recently President Barack Obama spoke at Notre Dame, a Roman Catholic university. He touched on abortion in his speech. President Obama called upon people to stop demonizing one another in their debates and disagreements. Joe Palmer at Wishing for you a better life […]


President Barack Obama, less than a week into his presidency, as released your tax dollars to promote abortion. No one can say they are surprised or caught unawares for this is precisely what the candidate promised to do during his campaign. Christians were unhappy to hear his political promises then but should be outraged now […]

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