Dawkin’s Delusion

Richard Dawkins, the ranting atheist of Oxford University who embarrassed himself with an thoroughly illogical examination of the existence of God in “The God Delusion” has given an empowered reply to Wayne Jackson at Christian Courier. Jackson has been an opponent of Dawkins and his foolish ideas. Take a look at this post with Dawkins […]

Which Books Belong in the Bible

The question of canonicity is an important question which has been discussed for thousands of years. Most recently the success of Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code has brought the question to the forefront of religious discussion. Simply put, how do we know that the 66 books that make up the Bible are the right books? […]

I Am A Christian Because God Exceeds My Expectations | 20 reasons

Have you ever though of what you expect from God? Some people see God as a magical genie just waiting to grant some wish to his “master.” They expect God to be at their beckon and call. Of course others expect God to be an angry old man just waiting for you to step out […]

The church of Christ Before the Restoration

It is generally held that the churches of Christ, as we know them today in this country, arose from the Restoration Movement of the 19th century. [cref 271 Thomas and Alexander Campbell] were major influences during this period along with many others. Some have wondered where the church was during those years from around the […]

The church of Christ Before the Restoration

It is generally held that the churches of Christ, as we know them today in this country, arose from the Restoration Movement of the 19th century. [cref 271 Thomas and Alexander Campbell] were major influences during this period along with many others. Some have wondered where the church was during those years from around the […]

Baptism What-If’s

The importance of baptism is sometimes assailed through the use of what-if scenarios which are designed to provoke an negative emotional response to the study of baptism. Our current discussions with a baptist preacher has produced at least one of these. He writes: “If the water pipes broke and the baptistry was bone dry, would […]

Must One Be Baptized by an Elder?

One of the more interesting claims asserted by our denominational friend is the idea that the churches of Christ teach a  man must be baptized by an elder or preacher of the churches of Christ in order to be truly saved. He puts the question this way (emphasis his): If a “Church of Christ” elder […]

Must One Be Baptized by an Elder?

One of the more interesting claims asserted by our denominational friend is the idea that the churches of Christ teach a  man must be baptized by an elder or preacher of the churches of Christ in order to be truly saved. He puts the question this way (emphasis his): If a “Church of Christ” elder […]

Are Members of the church of Christ “Campbellites?”

As we continue our refutation of the accusations of a baptist preacher we turn now to a term that he uses in his article. He uses the term “Campbellite” to speak of members of the church of Christ. Some have never heard such a term as it hasn’t been used in decades. The term is […]

Are Members of the church of Christ “Campbellites?”

As we continue our refutation of the accusations of a baptist preacher we turn now to a term that he uses in his article. He uses the term “Campbellite” to speak of members of the church of Christ. Some have never heard such a term as it hasn’t been used in decades. The term is […]