Do Your Own Study
Many lament the fact that people do not study their Bibles like they once did. Instead, belief is often formed by what is said in the pulpit or by something in the inspirational book du jour. I have warned for years that people must never trust their preacher. True enough, I said it tongue in […]
Growing in Christ
In one sense, it is impossible for finite man to know everything about the infinite God. It is just not possible for us to comprehend the glory of God. But thankfully, he has revealed to us much of his nature and character. He has also given us of his knowledge concerning mankind, sin and redemption. […]
The Importance of Prayer with Bible Study
Prayer is a vital moment in the life of every Christian. The importance of prayer cannot be overstated. It is just too important. Christians who do not prayer fervently do not receive the full measure of God’s power in their lives. Jesus, God himself, prayed often and set an example for us. Despite its importance […]
4 More Ways for Better Bible Study
Yesterday, we offered some suggestions to help establish good Bible study practices. Today we offer four more suggestions for your growth. 1. Begin a Good Christian Home Library for Better Bible Study Begin now to acquire dependable resources for your study. Many books can be found very inexpensively online but can help deepen your studies.A […]
4 Ways to Better Bible Study
We talk much about personal Bible study but we probably don’t give enough suggestions as to how to do good personal Bible study. Maybe this will help change that. There is no study that you can do, no academic endeavor more important than studying your Bible. No matter your career, there is nothing more vital […]
Knowing the Word of God
You have heard of people described as a “jack of all trades but a master of none.” It describes someone who has some knowledge of many things but is not really good at any of them. Sometimes we say a person has just enough knowledge to be dangerous. The problem is that they have never […]
When the Well Runs Dry
People were once dependent upon their water wells. These deep shafts produced some of the finest, coldest water around. Today people pay good money for a bottle was water drawn from deep below the earth’s surface. But despite the pristine, refreshing water that came from a well it was not always dependable. An extended drought might cause […]
Bible Study for Yourself
It’s important to know how to study the Bible for yourself. One large denomination tells its members to depend on their priests for teaching. Some have been known to actively discourage Bible study. If you can effective study the word for yourself, you will be better protected against bias and error from others. Let me […]
Are We Doing All We Can With Our Classrooms?
I came across this post this morning and thought you should see it. Now, it is short but it asks some important questions about the preparation of our classrooms for Bible study. At the very least, this should stimulate your thinking. I hope you will offer your comments.
Are We Doing All We Can With Our Classrooms?
I came across this post this morning and thought you should see it. Now, it is short but it asks some important questions about the preparation of our classrooms for Bible study. At the very least, this should stimulate your thinking. I hope you will offer your comments.